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"Fred, get the camera planted in his car."
"Samantha, put the tracker in his office." I want us to watch his movement, then I'll vindicate him." Sarah said to Samantha and Fred.
Sarah continued, I just got that he'd be leaving by 2:00PM, right now, he's in the escalator and it's 12:00PM over there. Let's make the remaining two hours productive.

"Have you talked to Roland?" Samantha asked.
"Yes, I have, he is exhibiting a clean job. He just sent Damian's whereabout to me via the system." Sarah responded.
Fred broke out," I told you my guy is cool."
"Of course, he is. But his pay is too high, I hope I can afford it." Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Don't be a scream, Sarah." Rolland doesn't joke with his cash." Fred smirked.
"I have to go now, it's 9:30 already, I have to go to work." Samantha stood up from the swivel chair at the corner of the room and placed her hands akimbo.
"Okay, bye, thanks to you two." Sarah wrapped up.
"Bye." Samantha and Fred said in unison.

I boarded the next flight to Beverly Hills as soon as possible, I had to see Robins, my mind was so far away from today's seminar.
Thank God I'll be leaving in no time. Even with absentmindedness, I met Mr Jeremy, business first, y'know?
I got to Beverly Hills by 4:00PM on the dot, I called Samantha immediately.
"Hello, Samantha."
"Hello, hello."
“Can you hear me Samantha?”
“Hello, hello.”
I could hear some people chit-chatting in the background, I heard Samantha said in a low-key tone, “calm down, I'm on call with him” then she hung up. I was about calling her again before Robins incoming call interrupted.
“Hello man, how do you do?” I asked Robins over the phone.
“Hey nigga, see me ASAP. ” Robins said authoritatively.
"Bye." He replied swiftly.
"Hey, Robins, hold on." I screamed over the phone but he had hung up already.

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