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This chapter is dedicated to everyone who's been keeping up with my novel. Y'all are the realest. I appreciate a lot 🌹

Samantha's face got lit up, she just spoke with Mr Jeremy about the company's contract, Mr Jeremy instructed that her boss, Damian, should come for a three-day seminar.
She stood up so she could go for lunch.
"Damn. I'm famished." She soliloquized.
She whined the door handle, her face got irritated as she Damian standing at the door entrance, she glared at him as she maneuvered to the other side.

"Samantha." He spoke softly.
She acted deaf.
He called her again, "Samantha."
She adjacently turned her head, she kept numb but her face did the answering.
"You wanna go for lunch?" Damian asked skeptically.
"Yes." She replied swiftly.
" Okay. See me when you're back." He said kind of bossily.
" Why? " She questioned without minding his position as a boss.
"Just see me." He said in a wrap.

She walked out with zero response.
His cologne breaks her heart so she had to increase her pace, she got distracted by some incessant babbling.
She continued with her pace without minding the babblings it's none of my business. She said to herself.

The last two syllables of her name,"mantha" dragged her attention. She moved close to the door, closer to it causing her right ear. The conversation continued right in Bob's office, although she couldn't figure out who was speaking but she could hear it clearly.
"Mr Damian gave me some roses to give to Samantha." Her heart leaped as she heard her name, this, for sure is Bobby.
"I'm so stunned he invited another lady." Another voice echoed out from the office.

She felt like she should open the door and strangle Bobby, I have to keep my cool and get vital information.

"Can't you see the lady is prettier and hotter than Samantha. That Samantha girl stinks." A second voice spoke.
"This  could be Tiffany or Daisy." She contemplated on a low-key.
Tiffany and Daisy are much of a muchness. Their faces, their tones, their heights, practically everything. Most times, everyone at work gets confused on who is who. Funny enough they're both related by blood nor adoption.

"I'm sure she lured herself to Mr Damian. I know him so well, he never can stoop so low for a cheap Samantha." Another voice spoke.
She couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't stand and listen to it anymore, last persons statement struck her to the brain. Her face turned red immediately, she lost appetite in a nanosecond, her throat went dry instantly, goose bumps exploded on her skin causing the hair to stand fiercely. 
She cancelled her lunch as she turned back to Damian's office.

She assembled audacity to speak to him.
"I'm here, Sir." She broke out sharply.
"I told you I've got good news for you, right?" He said.
"Yes." She nodded.
" Your salary has been augmented by thirty percent." He spoke as he cracked a grin.
She stared at him dumbfoundly as she drowned herself in thought I know this isn't the good news, I know Damian likes me. I know why'd he give me the flowers if he doesn't like me? Is he doing this as a cover up so I won't hate him? I hate him already. I h.a.t.e him! What about the roses? She almost asked but her heart broke again as he fixed his eyes with hers. The flashback on what happened in his office plus conversations she heard in Bobby's office pushed tears out of her eyes.

Why are you on tears? He asked.
"Nothing. Nothing. And erm, thanks for the salary increment." She said as she stood up.
" You're welcome, Samantha." He spoke captivatingly.

On leaving, she asked, "can I go for a leave, just a week?"
"I'm sorry, you can't. Jeremy needs me now. And this is our busiest time in the office." He responded.

" Selfish bastard." She low-key murmured as she left.

Hey guys, here's another enthralling chapter.
What do you think will happen next? Drop suggestions.
And yeah don't forget to 👇
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