boomer(not an lemon)

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(When I was little I sang this song at school for a talent show and I said "BOOMER HAS IT IM THE ONE HE'S LEAVING YOU FOR!"  Then every one laughed I just sounded so much like boomer and not rumor lol and I'm sorry for this not being a lemon I mean if I get a lot of comments saying they want this to be an lemon then I'll do this as a lemon up to you guysok enjoy the story ❤)

I was walking around the hospital safe room waiting for my team. I heard the gurgling of a boomer I looked and see it was at the door that was closed "HAHA! SUCKER! YOU AIN'T GETTING IN HERE!!-" He opened the door my eyes went wide "shit!" I screamed  I ran to the corner then aimed my gun. He raised his hands. "Uh?" I lowered my gun. He smiled I did to " wanna tag along? I got to look for my team. " he nodded I walked and he followed I looked in every room of the hospital "where are they?" I asked boomer was looking every where and smiled when he saw me looking at him. I blushed and looked away. I kept looking for them till I saw Francis clothes covered in blood. I looking in the room to see him dead. I looked down one out of two..I kept walking and saw louis and Bill jumping off the roof...I'm the last no no no no!!!!. I fell to my knees. Crying. I took my gun and put it up to my head. Boomer smacked it out of my hands causing it to go off. I heard the growl of a tank and a hoard of zombies he looked at me kissed me hard then threw me in a room. He smiled at me one last time. He puked all over him self and all the zombies attacked him ripping off all of his skin and eating the tank came and smashed,hit,punched, and threw him every where he was to weak to do anything so he just to it. I banged on the door screaming "NOO! PLEASE BOOMER STOP!I LOVE YOU!". But he didn't listen I picked my gun up and broke the glass I started to shoot. " let him go!!! " I screamed he looked at me and smiled as tears fell from his eyes. The tank tried to get in my smashing the door but the door was to small.  I shot him many times before he fell to the ground dead. I closed out of the door and ran to boomer who was on the ground dying I put his head in my lap "boomer please wake up I love you God damit!" He smiled and kissed me hard. Then he went limb..I cried hard then I saw my freind's they where now zombies coming for me. I graves my gun held it to my head and shot. I looked at boomer when I felt the bullet enter my head. I love you boomer.
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