Chapter 31 - In and Out

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Sarada POV

Damn are the contractions getting worse.

But I can do this!


"Sarada, are you a hundred percent sure you dont need anything?", Boruto asked worried.

"Not at the moment- actually yes, come here and sit with me through this. SHANNAROO!", I said as another wave of searing pain flashed through my body.

He then held my head and went through the breathing techniques with me.

'In and out'

'In and out'

'In and out'

Soon I was again checked.

I was 8cm dilated.

Almost there.


Just earlier Mama had given me an epidural, but even so this hurt like HELL.

"I-itai", I wailed as the pain came searing again.

Boruto then tried to calm me and helped me to concentrate on my breathing again.

'In and out'

'In and out'

'In and out'

Its been 9 hours.

And its getting really bad.

The nurse then came back to check on me.

I was now 9cm.

One more and you two can finally be out.

"We're almost there Sarada, We're going through this together, okay?", he said soothing me.

I then tiredly smiled at him.

And then he kissed my head saying soothing words, helping me throughout the next few hours.

12 hours into this.

The nurse said I was fully dilated and so I was put into the bed and Mama was there excited for me.

I looked at Boruto and he gave me a closed eye smile.

I then felt something.

It wasnt like the contractions.

Its coming.

"Okay Sarada. I know you're also a medic nin. But this is your first so give it your all okay!", Mama said, with a face of eagerness.

I nodded and waited for her cignal.

"Okay Sarada push!", she said.

I then squeezed hard on Boruto's hand.

I felt something pop.


I looked at him apathetically and he responded with a face that said, 'I'm Okay Dont worry'.

I then continued.

As mom chanted push another time, Boruto joined in with words of support.

An hour later, which felt like forever to be honest.

*Baby crying*

I panted as baby number one finally came out.

"Its a boy!", Mom announced handing him to me.

I was astonished.

"Yuki", Boruto said, the same astonished look plastered on his face.

I smiled.

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