Chapter One

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*Sky's POV*

2 months, 3 days and 10 hours have passed since I escaped hell. As I imagine going home fear creeps up my spine. The smell of beer and cigarettes linger around me, my eyes burning as the scent of death hangs in the air. My hands shake - the terror of returning to reality threatens to overwhelm me. After everything that's happened I don't know if I'll ever be okay again.

Peter is dead, but I know I'll never feel safe until every single person involved is either sent to prison or killed. Every time I turn a corner, every time I close my eyes, they're there. They're hiding in the shadows, waiting to take me back to that God awful place.

To make matters worse - my father has reappeared in my life. The anger builds in my throat, fury bubbling inside me, threatening to overspill like lava in a volcano.


"What are you doing here, Elliot?" My mom said, jumping of the bed and walking towards the strange man now standing at the bedroom door.

She shoves him out of the doorway whilst I peer out from under the blankets. The man doesn't say much - he just keeps saying sorry over and over again.

When the door slams shut I know whoever my mom had been fighting with had gone. When she creeps back into the room a few minutes later I know better than to ask her if she's ok. Instead I ask a question that's burning in my mind;

"Was that my dad, mommy."

She looks at me before she nods and takes a seat beside me. She doesn't say anything at first, and the silence builds before I interrupt it with my trembling voice.

"I don't want to see him, mommy."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do princess. I'll figure this out."

*end of flashback*

True to her word, my mom didn't force me to see him and he never made another appearance. And as the years passed I forgot about that night, and pushed all thoughts of my father to the back of my mind.

*Olivias POV*

2 months have passed since we'd found Sky in that basement. 2 months since I murdered someone in cold blood. 2 months since Elliot Stabler had reappeared in our lives.

Every time I thought of Elliot, my blood pressure went through the roof and I had to fight to keep my anger in check. I couldn't believe that only now - after seeing Sky's ordeal coverage on the news - did he decide to be there for his daughter.


The pregnancy test is sat on the edge of the bathroom sink. My insides are churning. My lunch swirling around in my stomach, threatening to make a reappearance.

As the seconds tick down, a tingle appears deep down in my heart. I couldnt help but feel the pure joy and excitement at the prospect of becoming a mother. It's something I'd always wanted but unfortunately it had never happened for me. Now wasn't exactly the right time - what with Elliot having a wife and a family - but I couldn't help hoping for a positive.

I grabbed the test, my hand shaking. And stared at the two little lines.

I was pregnant.


I'd ignored every one of his 200 phone calls over the last few months. I'd banned him from coming into the hospital and I'd only allow him to see Sky if that is what she wants.

I stroke Sky's hand as she sleeps. Her fragile frame lost in the blankets, her veiny skin pulled over her emaciated bones. Everyday I am grateful my little girl is still here - after everything we nearly lost her.

Even though Peter is dead, I know there are still many of them out there. I would do anything to protect my little girl, no matter the costs.

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