Chapter Three

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A/N - sorry this took longer than I wanted. When I was editing, I deleted the whole damn thing and couldn't get it back 🙈🙈 so I had to rewrite it! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

WARNING - this chapter may contain triggers for self harm. Please remember to take care of you ❤️❤️

**Liv POV**

The shrill ringing of my alarm clock is what wakes me. Sky is snuggling into my chest - the way she used to when she was tiny. I want to stay curled up with her forever but I have to go to work.

I move her off my chest and lie her arms beside her. Despite my best efforts to be gentle - her eyes pop open. She stares at me wide eyed until she notices it's me.

"I gotta get ready for work, baby." I whisper.

She nods her head and sits up, blinking the sleep from her eyes.

I stumble to the bathroom, my body still heavy with sleep. The ice cold water runs over my tired eyes and aching muscles. When I wander into the living room 20 minutes later I find Sky curled up on the sofa, watching Gilmore girls.

"Right, there's food in the fridge. Please eat something. If you need anything or you're scared and need me to come home, call me or Amanda." I say, the words spilling out of me. "Please be safe baby. I'll be home by 2, ok?"

"Mom, chill. I'll be fine, don't worry." She says, craning her neck to look at me.

I run over and throw my arms around her. I take in her scent and stroke her hair, never wanting to let her go again.

"I love you ok?" I say, pulling out of the hug and kissing the top of her head.

Sky shoves me towards the door before giving me another bear hug. I take one last look at my daughter before I head out the door.


The mountain of paperwork does nothing to distract me from my increasing anxiety. I love my job, and getting justice for people who'd suffered horrendous crimes is so rewarding. But ever since Sky became a victim, I'm finding my job harder to cope with.

At gone 11am, I spot Nick and Fin marching over to my desk, a solemn look on both their faces. I put down my pen and wait for them to spill the bad news.

"A young girl has been found dead on a high school football field." Nick says, his hands pushed into his pockets. "The M.E needs us down there right away, her body shows signs of prolonged sexual abuse."

"Do we have any further information on the victim?" Amanda says, pulling her coat around her shoulders.

"No that's it for now. Melinda called as soon as she noticed the signs. Amanda, Liv - I want you to go down there and find out what were dealing with."

As Nick and Fin go their separate ways, me and Amanda head for the lift. This will be my first case since coming back to work so to say I am feeling anxious is an understatement.

The drive takes 20 minutes and we spend it in silence. The tension is so thick the windows steam up. As we pull into the parking lot I notice a heavy police presence. I don't know what I expected - it's a crime scene after all. Memories of the day we found Sky in the basement flood back to me. They're so strong I nearly fall to my knees.

"You're here." Melinda says, leading us towards the crime scene. "I'm pretty sure the cause of death is suicide, but the reason I called you is because there's signs the girl has been sexually abused."

As we get closer to the scene, my shoes crunch through the leaves, the sound comforting to my ears. The risk of suicide in sexually abused teenagers is extremely high. The thought of my little girl feeling so much pain she couldn't carry on broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.

The girls body lies in front of me, a plastic sheet covering her, dead cold fingers peek out at the sides. Melinda moves the sheet off the dead girls face and I gasp.

"Oh my god." Amanda utters. "Thats one of the other girls in Sky's sex trafficking case, Charlotte Baker."

**Sky's POV**

I didn't think spending time alone would be so difficult. My Mom has only been gone for 2 hours, but I can't help looking up at the door on the off chance she'll return home early.

I polish the furniture until it glints in the light, but it doesn't stop the flow of images flashing in front of my eyes. Peter's slimy hands slide over my skin, the stench of alcohol hangs heavy in the air.

I slide down to the floor, the rag fluttering to the ground. I grip my head with both hands, covering my ears, willing the images to stop. Tidal waves of emotions and pain thunder through my body like a tsunami. The memories of what they did to me scorch onto my eyelids.

I stand up and head towards the bathroom. I pick up the razor sitting on the edge of the bathtub and smash it with my shoe. The cool, crisp feel of the blade in my hand is comforting in itself but I know there's only one true way I'll feel better.

I bring the blade down onto my skin and cut - the pain flowing out of me like a river.

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