Chapter Eleven

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**Olivia's POV**

No matter how hard I try to hide it, Caroline's death has hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't stop thinking about the day I rescued her. The look of relief on her face when she saw me, and how alike she looked to my own daughter. Now, she's gone, dead. Murdered and posed to look like she'd taken her own life.

Me and Amanda now have the job of talking to Caroline's mother. After investigating the crime scene, SVU has concluded these deaths weren't suicides.

Amanda is driving to Caroline mother's house. Her name is Helen and she's a single mother, the dad isn't in the picture and she works 2 jobs to provide for her daughter's. Finn said he'd take my place but I feel like it's my responsibilty to talk to her.

When Amanda pulls into the driveway we stay in the car, staring ahead like it'll change the outcome.

"We should go in." Amanda says, pulling the keys from the ignition.

I nod my head and unclip my seatbelt. I climb out of the car and walk to the front door, my legs like jelly. I knock while Amanda comes up behind me, her face solemn.

Helen opens the door, her eyes rimmed red, her clothes hanging off her bones.

"We're sorry to bother you, but we have some questions about Caroline."

She nods and pushes the door open wider.

As I walk through Helen's home, the grief hangs in the air, like this will never be a happy place ever again. How could it be with both her children dead?

"Did you notice anything suspicious around the time of Caroline's death? Amanda asks as she takes a seat on the edge of the sofa.

"I thought she was doing ok. She was in therapy, she'd gone back to school. There were no signs, none at all." Helen says, fighting back tears.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Helen." I say.

"Hold your daughter close Detective Benson. Don't ever let her go." Helen says.

"Did Caroline have use of a computer?" Amanda says.

"Yes, but she had to use the family computer. I wouldn't allow her to have her own laptop after what happened."

"Is it ok if we take look?"

Helen points in the direction of the computer. She pulls one of her knees up and lays her head on it. She looks broken - like all the pieces of her have shattered onto the floor.

Amanda begins clicking away, looking for any evidence that might tell us who did this.

I know I should say something but no words will form. We have so much in common yet we're worlds apart. I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost my little girl.

Amanda nods her head in my direction. She pulls out her cell and disappears off into a different room - signalling she must have found something.

Somehow I'm relieved. That maybe these people aren't as clever as they seem. I hope and pray they've left a trail. When I killed Peter I thought that would be the end of this nightmare. I thought if the boss wasn't around anymore, the whole empire would dwindle and die.

I was clearly wrong.

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