Chapter Two

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*Sky's POV*

"We're home." Mom says, her smile lighting up the room.

I smile back - my mom's warmth and happiness spreading to the tip of my fingers. I sling my backpack onto the floor and wander around in a daze. The relief and happiness to finally be back where I belong is indescribable.

"Is it ok if I go and unpack?" I ask, longing to look around my bedroom.

"Sure darling, then it's time to take your meds. Ok baby?"

I nod and skip through my bedroom door. I touch everything I own, unable to stop smiling at all the things I'd missed.

Half an hour later, the waft of my moms cooking tickles my tastebuds. I wander into the living room to find my mom standing at the kitchen counter.

"I'm making your favourite biscuits. And before you ask I'm not turning into an old granny, I just wanted to do something special for you."

"I love you momma."

I turn around to switch the television on but before I can sit down, the doorbell rings. I creep towards the door, my heart in my throat. Mom had told the rest of the team to stay away for a few days and they'd never disobey her wishes. They were the only people who ever visit us.

I crack the door open, and standing there is my father. Fury rises in my chest like molten lava speeding down the side of a volcano.

"Are you serious?" I yell. "Are you freaking serious?"

I ball my fists at my sides trying to keep myself calm. My legs begin to shake.

"Go away. I hate you! I don't want to see you!! Not now, not ever."

I slam the door shut before he has a chance to reply. I stomp to my room in utter rage. My heart thumps in my chest, my ankles buckling underneath me. How dare he think he can come back 14 years later and expect everything to be all sunshine and daisies.

*Olivia's POV*

I can't blame Sky for her hatred towards Elliot. Every time he crosses my mind, my hands shake and I can't focus.

I open the front door to find Elliot looking deflated. He isn't the type of man to give up so I know I need to set some boundaries.

"Well come in then." I say, holding the door open.

Elliot walks in and stands in the middle of the living room, not knowing what to do with himself. I shake my head.

"How did you expect her to react El." I say, plonking myself down on the couch. "You can't reappear one day and expect her to be fine with you."

"I know." He says, sitting down opposite me. "I can't tell you how ashamed of myself I am. What I did was wrong."

"Have you told Kathy that you have another kid?"

"She found out. We got divorced 5 years ago. I haven't seen her since."

"I'm sorry El."

"Don't be. It wasn't going to last forever."

I look at him, sitting there all vulnerable, and I can't help my feelings for him reawakening inside my chest. I push them down, deep deep down. There is no way I'm going back there, not after everything.

"Give her time." I say. "Shes been through a traumatic experience. I'll talk to her, but I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do."

*Sky's POV*

I slam my bedroom door shut, and put my ear to the wall and listen. I hear every word, and although I hate Elliot I know my mom is doing her best.

When I hear Elliot leave I push myself off the floor and head back to the living room.

"Thanks for not making me see him." I say.

"I would never baby."

I slouch down on the couch and sigh. I can't count how many nights I've cried myself to sleep because I'd never known what it's like to have a father. I thought I was past all this shit, and then he comes back.

"I hate him mom."

"I know baby, I know."

My mom pulls me into her arms and we spend the next few hours curled up on the couch. After we climb into my mom's bed, I spend the next few hours staring at the wall.

I curl myself up into the foetal position, and close my eyes as tightly as I can.


The room is dark. My skin stings in the ice cold air, the smell of cheap aftershave and alcohol hangs in the air. My wrists are bound - the rope scorches my raw skin so bad it burns like fire.

Peter walks in a circle around the table I am strapped to. He taps something on the cobbled floor, a tick tick sound buzzes in my ear. I don't fight, don't try to get away, I know there's no point. There is nowhere to escape to.

The pain rips through my body like someone has cut me in half. Peter doesn't stop, he carries on until I'm broken. I wish for sleep, for unconsciousness, and eventually it takes over.


I wake up with sweat dripping down my forehead. My screams echoing around the room like shouts in an empty hall. I can't stop shaking, my limbs seizing with pain.

My mom is sat up beside me, a look of pain and worry etched into her features.

"Baby are you ok? Can I touch you? She asks, gently.

I bite my lip so hard I taste blood, but I nod my head.

My mom puts her arms around me and pulls me into her chest. I can hear her heartbeat and the steady thump thump thump comforts me, brings me back to the present.

"I love you Mommy."

"I love you too baby girl."

Author note - hope everyone is enjoying this so far! Let me know what your thoughts are. Charleigh xx

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