Chapter Fourteen.

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**Olivia's POV**

I can't blame Sky for storming out of the court room like that. I'm grateful the judge agreed to adjourn the case for the rest of the day. After a sympathic look from Barba and a nod of support from Amanda I left the court room in search of my daughter. She can't have gotten far but I know better than to underestimate the power of trauma.

After searching the toilets, outside the court and the hallways I find no sign of her. I try to call her but remember I'd made her leave her cellphone in the car.

"Olivia." A familiar voice calls.

I look up and find Elliot staring at me.

"Can I help? I mean I know I have no business been here. But I wanted to be here for my daughter, and for you." He says.

"I know. I can't find her. She could be doing god knows what to herself and I don't know where she is." I say, my words tumbling out before I know what I'm saying.

"It's ok. We'll find her. Go and get Amanda and I'll check with security to see if they've seen her." He says, a determined look on his face.

I nod and as he walks away, I feel familiar butterflies stirring in my stomach.

"Elliot." I start. "Thank you."

He smiles before racing down the corridor towards the security desk.

**Elliots POV**

I know I did a bad thing. Abandoning Olivia when she needed me most. It was selfish and I see that now, it wasn't the right call - even though it felt like it at the time.

I thunder down the corridor, looking left and right like a deranged animal, trying to find a member of security.

"Excuse me." I say, a little louder than I expected. The security guard turns around, a pissed off look on his face. "Have you seen a young girl. She's 14, is wearing black trousers and a white shirt, long brown hair. About 5 foot 3?"

His face softens when he realises I'm asking a geniune question and I'm not there to yell about my unfair life.

"I think I saw her in the stairwell about 10 minutes ago. She looked upset. I tried to ask if she was ok but I don't think she heard me. She was going in the direction of the roof." He says.

"Shit." I whisper.

"Do you want me to call for help?"

"No it's ok. Can you find her mother, Olivia Benson? They were in courtroom 4."

"Yeah, I know Detective Benson. I'll go there now."

"Thank you so much." I yell as I sprint for the stairwell.

Terrified, I run up one flight after another, anxious about what I will find when I get there. What will I even say? She hates me and I can't say I blame her. I shove open the roof door and glance around. At first I can't see her, and I automatically assume the worst. I look over the edge of the roof but I can't see a commotion down below.

"I haven't jumped, if that's what you think I've done. I'm right here, don't worry. I'm that much of a fuck up I can't even kill myself properly. Been there - got the t-shirt."

Relief floods through me. I turn around to find Sky sitting on the floor, her eyes swollen, mascara running down her cheeks.

"Sky.. you're not a fuck up. You're far from it." I say.

"Don't. You don't know me. My own father didn't even want me."

I bow my head in shame, not having a come back to say to that comment. She's right - I don't know her and it no ones fault but my own.

"I do want you. What I did to you and your mother was wrong, I know that. I can't fix my mistakes from the past, but I can try and be better, be a father to you. Now."

For the first time, Sky looks at me like I'm not the worst person in the world. She looks at me with a look of such innocence and despair it makes even me tear up. This little girl has been through so much and I've not been there for her. It breaks my heart and I hate myself.

"There are worse things I could do than get to know you. Maybe I can try." She says.

She'd finally said the words I've been longing to hear, and a feeling of warmness and joy spread through my body.

The door to the roof is flung open and Olivia comes running towards us.

"Sky." She says, flinging herself down next to her and pulling her into her chest. "I was so worried. What are you doing up here? You're freezing."

"I'm ok Mommy. I'm sorry I scared you. I'm sorry I messed up in court."

"No baby. You did so good. I'm so proud of you."

I walk away. This is a moment meant only for them. I leave the building with a smile on my face. I can't change the past but I can try and be a better father in the future. My daughter needs me and I'll be damned if I'll ever let her down again.

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