Chapter Twenty Two

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** Sky's POV**

When I wake up I can't see the man anywhere. The woman has her back to me, and it looks as if she's deep in thought about something. My head hurts and when I put my hand to my head there's blood. I'm woozy, my stomach is twisting in knots and I can't see straight.

As objects seem to blur into one other, I realise they haven't taken my phone. As I try to dial 911 - my hands fumbling over the buttons - I forgot the light would draw the woman's attention.

I don't see her stumble over but I hear her. She snatches the phone from my grip and throws it across the room. She shoves her face into mine, gripping a rift of my hair with her hands, and mumbles words I can't understand. After she throws me back towards the ground I don't move for a while - I need to get my strength back.

I close my eyes and let the exhaustion wave over me. I hear the woman humming a tune -  I don't recognise it but the sound goes right through me. I open my eyes and that's when I see an ornament lying on the floor - an opportunity. I slide my body over to where it's lying, grab the object and edge over to where the woman is standing. I don't know if my legs will hold me, but I have to try. I use my other hand to push myself to my feet. I bring the ornament down and hit the woman as hard as I can.

I hear a sickening crunch and the woman collapses to the ground. I follow, my legs giving out.

"No, no, no." I whisper.

I have no idea how long the man is going to be. He could walk in at any second, and I can't imagine he's going to be happy when he finds his woman friend on the floor. I drag my body towards the door, it isn't far, I know I can do it.

It takes me twice as long to drag myself to the door than it would if I was walking. I push the door open, it's heavy and it hurts my wrists to open it.

It's harder to drag my body over the concrete floor, my skin burns with every drag as it cuts into my skin. I can't help but cry out, everything hurts, my stomach is twisting.

I see the end of the alleyway, the cars squealing past. I peer out onto the sidewalk, desperate for help, desperate for someone to help me. That's when I see them - Amanda and my mom - talking to people, desperately looking around.

"Mommy." I say, the words not coming out as loud as I need them to. "Mommy."

Someone grabs me from behind, they pull my hair and my limbs jerk in protest.

I scream.

**Olivia's POV**

Amanda kicks the red door in after no one answers the door. The place is empty but what we find is sickening. This person knew what they were doing. Everything is dirty, not clean like it should be if you're putting instruments in someone's body. We also found a cabinet full of what we assume are abortion pills.

"Olivia." Amanda says, holding something. "Isn't this Sky's?"

She's gripping a silver bracelet in her hands, the one I bought Sky for her 8th birthday. My eyes fill with tears as I grab it.


"They must have given her the pills. There's no blood and I don't think there's been enough time for them to have done surgery."

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. On one hand at least they didn't cut my baby up but pills can be more dangerous. There's no telling what the hell they've put in them.

"This is bad. I was hoping we could stop her before she did anything." I say, the hope draining from my mind. "Damn it, Sky!"

I throw the pill bottle across the room and press my hands to my head, digging my nails into my skin. I feel Amanda's hand rubbing my back.

"Come on, lets have a look around the streets. She can't have gotten far."

We search and search but we find no trace of Sky anywhere.

"What are we going to do?" I ask Amanda, as she checks down an alleyway.

A scream echoes around the streets and I immediately know it's Sky. I look over on the other side of the road to see someone dragging her back down an alleyway. She's fighting - kicking her legs and flailing her arms, screaming. I don't even bother to check for cars before I run over the road, my gun drawn.

"Let her go you son of a bitch." I yell, pointing my gun at his head.

I hear Amanda run next to me, her own gun drawn and ready.

"You heard the lady, drop the girl."

The man looks at us like we're crazy, a smirk spreading across his face. Sky is sobbing, her clothes ripped and torn.

"I will shoot you if you don't drop my daughter."

He looks me dead in the eye before yanking Sky's hair back. Before I can do anything, a gun goes off and the man collapses to the ground, a bullet straight through the middle of his forehead.

I run to Sky, I grab her and hold her close, stroking her hair, her face.

"It's ok baby, it's ok. I've got you, I've got you." I say.

"Olivia." Amanda says, kneeling next to me, pointing to the puddle of blood that has pooled beneath Sky. "I'll call a bus."

I lie her down on the ground, shoving my jacket underneath her head.

"Sky, baby. Did that woman give you pills?"

She looks at me, terrified.

"I'm sorry momma, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I had to get rid of it, I had to Mommy."

"Ssh, it's ok. I'm not mad, I'm not. I just need to know what you've taken."

"She gave me pills."

"Ok darling, ok."

Sky's eyes roll into the back of her head, and her body begins to jerk.

"Amanda, what's happening? What's happening?" I scream.

"Olivia, Olivia. Step back, the ambulance is on it's way. It's gonna be ok."

Amanda kneels down next to Sky, holding her head. After what felt like forever Sky is still again.

"Sky, baby, can you hear me?" Amanda says, pulling her eyelids up to check her pupils. She puts two fingers on Sky's wrist and a look of dread creeps across her face.

"Oh God." I choke, falling to my knees.

Amanda pinches Sky's nose and breathes air into her lungs. She thumps her chest.. 1, 2, 3, 4.. 1, 2, 3, 4.. She repeats the process until Sky gasps and coughs, her eyes flickering open.

I take a breath, shaking.

I hear the sirens echoing, getting louder as time ticks by. I don't hear the paramedics run up behind me. I don't even see them load Sky onto a gurney and push her into the back of the ambulance. I wander behind, before I climb in, the whole world still as my world crumbles around me.

A/N - guys this chapter literally killed me! My heart is breaking, why I put these characters through so much heartbreak I don't know 😭

Just to let you know - there will be a 3rd book in this series when Fragile is done. It will probably be the last, which is heartbreaking, but I really feel like this story will come to a nice end then. HOWEVER, I have a new SVU fanfiction I'm working on and I'm so excited about it! I hope you'll love it as much as I do.

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