chapter 7

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Milo walked in w the saddest look in his eyes. "heyyyy miloooo" you could hear the embarrassment in my voice. "hey look I'm really sorry ok? I'm just mad because the boy I really like turned on me. we've been friends for like 2 weeks and he's already turned on me. he posted something about me on Instagram and called me mean things. he hates me and all i did was admit a small crush that right now isn't even a crush anymore. he is going to make the rest of the school year miserable and I thought I actually had a change w this kid. I thought maybe someone new could except me and my family and not hate me for who I like or what I like or what's going on w my family. but I was wrong. so be mad at me all you want and you can cry over me getting mad a you but I'm just angry ok? if you can't accept it then please leave me alone and we can talk another time." milos red eyes softened. "it's ok Erin. I'm sorry you had to go through w that. I love you and I'll be here to beat up any mean ass kid like him. to be honest I really liked you guys together. you guys were gonna make a good team." I just sighed. milo and holiday left. I just went on Instagram and just unblocked Asher just to check his page for more mean things. the picture was gone. I was really confused. I watched the greatest showman because it's my favorite movie then I watched some riverdale. I then fell asleep dreading the thought of school the next day.
I got out of bed not wanting to talk today. I was going to tune out the world. not talk to anyone. well except teachers. and maybe some other people at practice. I put on some black leggings and a gray sweater. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on my vans. I put on mascara and went out the door w out saying anything. I got to school to see people just stare. some laughed but I rolled my eyes and glared. that got them to shut up. I walked into my first class. algebra. oh how I hate algebra and also Ashers in ax this class. yay so happy. oh and Ashers in all my classes. I'm not the type of girl to hold grudges, but I'm just really not feeling to talk to people today. especially at school. I just needed to focus. focus on more important things. "Erin?" I heard a way too familiar voice say. I didn't even turn around. "Erin I know you can hear me." I put in earbuds and listened to sad! by xxxtentacion I don't know why I just felt like it. I did have a good 7 minutes before class started so I might as well use the time to listen to music. "Erin I'm sorry. I was just mad that you liked another boy. I was jealous and that was wrong of me." I was so mad I took out the earbuds and turned around sharply. "ok? so you were mad. I was going to apologize for making you upset! I was going to say that I had feelings for you yesterday but obviously you didn't like me. but what? just cause you're mad at me you want to do something so mean to make yourself feel better? well I hope it made you feel worse. Instead of just coming to me and saying how you felt you put a terrible Picture of me online and called me mean names. you hurt me yes and trust me I hate holding grudges I just really don't feel like talking to you because I know it'll make me feel worse. so don't talk to me ok?" I stormed out the classroom just wanting to cool off. the rest of the school day was pretty boring. at practice it was much better though.


"hey Erin" kaden said as he walked past me in the gym. I just gave a small smile and walked the other way. I turned a little to see him frown and walk away to the guys bathroom. I just sighed. "Erin what's up" Jocelyn asked. "oh uh you know Asher?" she was confused. "yeaahh why?" I sighed. "well he did the not so nicest thing and I'm ok just a bit tired of being picked on." she gave me a hug. she was so sweet. "aww. I hope everything gets better with you guys. you were cute together." she smiled and walked off. "Erin wait!" kaden. "can I help you?" I said as turned around. I was surprised by a hug. I heard a few "awes" from people. I was facing the door and I was Asher walk in. crap. "Erin I'm sorry. I saw the picture and heard your conversation w Jocelyn. If you ever need me to beat up a kid I'll do it for you" it made me laugh a bit. "thanks Kaden. it's so nice knowing I have you as a supportive friend."
a few weeks have passed and Asher and I weren't exactly friends but we still did talk a bit and gave small smiles in the hall. people were over the picture but only some were still mean. Rylee was back and I told her everything. she stopped being friends w Asher but she still was very nice. today was my banquet for gymnastics. I got ready and put on my dress, some wedges, I loosely curled my hair and put on a necklace. I put on some powder, eyeshadow and mascara. I hate foundation. it makes my face feel Cakey. I put on my favorite simply southern bracelet and some rings. my mom and I walked in and my eyes met w Kaden. he mouthed "wow" to me and it made me laugh. I joined the table w all my friends and the table was right next to the boys table. my seat was closest to Kadens. we kept turning around and talking. "Erin! stop talking to my brother!" alyssa said. "um I wasn't um sorry" she laughed. "I'm just kidding chill" I laughed. they were playing a slideshow. a picture of me and a boy on the team named thomas showed up. it was a goofy picture when both of us were just volunteering at a meet and we were about to hand out medals and we were just playing around. it was a cute but funny photo. I heard some awes around the room and Kaden kinda put his head down. I turned at him and smiled and necked him. he turned and I just smiled. after the banquet we got lots of pictures. during the slideshow every time a picture of Kaden came on I laughed the hardest making him blush. I got a picture with all my girl t Mates in my group, one w my coach, another w my group and my coach, one w my best friend that was a really cute laughing photo, one w Thomas, one w kaden, and one w a kid named kyle. these guys were all my friends. we then all got a picture w the girls and the guys. it was a funny picture. I posted all of them. I captioned it "they're the best :)" I tagged all of them even the guys. I got comments saying how cute Kaden and I were and me and Thomas. it was weird but funny. I went home and watched riverdale. then I got a text from Asher.

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