chapter 11

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I got ready in the morning you know the usual routine. this time I braided my hair and pulled out bangs to make it look like a cute messy braid. I wore a yellow shirt w ripped jeans and this time black slip on vans. I put on a heartbeat necklace and a bracelet and a ring. I put on mascara and did other morning things and left. I got to the front gate of the school and Asher was waiting for me there. "Asher hey" he smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I happily held his hand and he kinda pulled me Closer to him. "hello beautiful" I just looked down trying To not blush. "Erin I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to make you blush." I just laughed and we swung our arms as we walked to our floor. "so" Asher started. "I know you and Kaden were friends but I want the tea. I know you aren't friends anymore so just tell me what happened" I sighed. "ok so basically I was at his house one day and he said he had something to tell me but we got distracted and we ended up playing in the rain instead but he never told me what he was meaning to so I asked him about it at Practice and he said he liked me and I liked him back then but he has a mean girlfriend and he was like defending her or something. and then he like yelled at me so I gave him his hoodie back that he gave me an-" Asher looked up. "HE GAVE YOU A HOODIE OF HIS? OOH HONEY THE TEA IS HOTT" he was yelling in a hallway. "Asher shush! we're inside silly" he stuck his tongue out. "make me!" I smiled and touched his face making him look at me w wide eyes. "stop." he stopped and looked down. I just laughed. "oh I got you something Erin!" I looked up at his eyes. his dangerously gorgeous eyes. "what you didn't have to! we've only been a thing for like a day." he laughed. "I know but I wanted to make it special today by giving you this!" I gasped. it was the rose gold princess crown ring. the one I've been wanting but I never told anyone cause rings are expensive. "ASHER! THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL BUT WHY? ISNT THAT THE PANDORA RING? NO WAY IM EXCEPTING THAT ITS TOO MUCH!" he laughed. "now YOU be quiet." I was still shocked. "no I CANT! HOW DID YOU EVEN KNOW I WANTED THIS?" he put his hand on my face and smiled. I was just shocked. he put the ring on my finger. "it's cause we're best friends and now we're dating. I was to make this memorable. you're my first real girlfriend." I sighed. "Asher it's too much. I can't take it." he sighed. "please. for meeeee. I want you to have it." I sighed. "ok I guess so. but THANK YOU so so so much! you're the best!! I kissed his cheek and gave him a giant hug. "awww!" Rylee came into the hallway. "Rylee hey!" I smiled. she waved at Asher. "hey ry!" she nodded and smiled. "ash!" she turned back to me. "GUESS WHAT?!" I was spooked from her random burst of energy. "what?" she jumped. "I was asked out by GRAYSON!!!" Grayson has been me and hers preschool crush. mine obviously stopped in like 2nd grade but rylees has always been there. "NO WAY!" my jaw dropped. "what who's Grayson and why did he ask out OUR Rylee?" I looked at him confused. "our?" he shrugged. "I'm dating you and your best friend is Rylee. therefore now Rylee is my best friend." we just laughed. "but for real GRAYSON? THE GRAYSON BRYCE? (idk lol) "YES GRAYSON BRYCE!!!" she said back. "YES RYLEE!!!!!" we jumped up and down and hugged. "what did you say?" Asher said excited. "I haven't responded yet. I was so nervous then those really pretty eyes were looking straight at mine and i just didnt know what to say. but then he told me I could take my time. he was really sweet too. he like walked up to me and handed me a flower then asked me to be his girlfriend." I gasped "aww that's so sweet!!!" I then hit Asher in the arm. "why didn't you ask me out that way?" I pretended to be mad. "wha- I- ummm" I laughed. "I'm just kidding" I wrapped my arm around his lower body and gave him a small side hug. "oh thank goodness you scared me babe." i laughed again and he just looked at me. "what?" he smirked and just wrapped me in a giant hug. a gigantic hug. he did that cliche couple thing and put his face really close to my neck and not gonna lie felt kinda weird. but it was nice. we then laughed and we did a giant group hug. rylee then spoke. "aww I love you guys" Asher and i didn't wanna say I love you guys first cause we didn't wanna say I love you to each other yet. we weren't gonna say that till a while. "we love you too Rylee. so much" Asher laughed. "yep. so much" we all let go and just smiled at each other. "sooo you gonna say yes to gray tomorrow?" she smiled. "yes!" Asher jumped up and down like a little weirdo. "YES!" he looked so weird. "as- asher?" he looked at me while jumping. "what?" I just tried to hold my laugh in. "stop" he stopped. "oh" is all he said. Rylee and I started laughing and so did he. the bell rang which meant we had 5 minutes till class so Asher took my hand and Rylee Walked next to me and we walked to first period. "wow I'm so happy THE Grayson asked you out!! like so happy. I can't wait to see you guys walk in holdin handsssss and he walks w you places and YAY RYLES!" she just laughed and blushed. "yeah and out of all the girls, he asked me. I didn't think it would ever come." I shook my head. "I believed in it. girly ever since he picked up your dropped crayon I knew it would happen. BUT if he ever does anything mean or bad to you and I mean anything at all he's DONE." she laughed. "jeez ok!" I smiled. "and plus a boy FINALLY asked you out. I've been waiting since like 4th grade for you to come telling me you've been asked out. you're way too gorgeous how did the guys not wanna date you. you're stunning so sucks for them they couldn't have a freaking hawt girlfriend" she smiled again. "thanks Erin. you're the most beautiful sweet person." Asher laughed. "I feel like such a third wheel. you guys are like Best friends and then there's me." I scooted and moved Asher to the middle of us. we both put our arms around him. "well now, we're all best friends!" Rylee said.  I shrugged. "well, he is third wheeling a lil bit" I dropped my arm from around him. Rylee did the same. "yeah true" he just put his arms up in confusion. we all laughed.

after school me Rylee and Asher got a picture and I posted it captioned "the real dream team" and I got some weird comments too.

asherangel - you know it 😏💕

ryleegriffen - WOO I LOVE YOU TOO! @ erinmanheim @ asherangel

milomanheim - I love how I'm always included

megdonnelly- mood mi ^ but love you Erin!

erinmanheim- meg!! come over soon please!! I got tea :)

erinmanheim - LOVE YOU MORE :) @ ryleegriffen

asherangel - LOVE YA RYLEE!!!! @ ryleegriffen

emilyrodgers - you hurt Kaden bad

kadengray- ouch

emilyrodgers- why do you have to be so mean to Kaden. he's innocent

those comments not gonna lie the ones about kaden and Emily pissed me off but oh whale I'm done w Kaden.

school went by kinda quick cause I didn't have any exams or test yet and Asher and Rylee made it a lot better. we were both waiting on Milo to come pick us up and Rylee already left. "hey Erin?" I looked at Asher. "yes?" he grabbed my hands and the butterflies started in my stomach. "thank you for saying yes. you make me really happy." I just smiled big and held his hand tighter. "I'm happy I said yes. I was questionable when I said it but now I'm really happy I did. oh my goodness we've only been together 2 days. kinda feels like longer." he blushed. "yes it does." we laughed then milo picked us up. we sat in the back cause holiday was there. "hey holiday" she smiled. "hey Erin! is this your boyfriend?" Asher smiled. "y-yes" I was nervous about what she was gonna say. "aww! he's cute ri" I remember my first boyfriend. man I was in 5th grade. it was some kid named Ethan barns. I don't know why I dated him. pretty weird now that I think about it. and to be honest he wasn't even cute" I started laughing. "oh Asher if you're wondering this is holiday, milos girlfriend" he waved and smiled. "hi holiday nice to meet you, I'm Asher. she smiled and waved. she turned back around and started talking to Milo and stuff and Asher took my hand and held it. i laughed a bit and went on my phone. I put a boomerang of us on my story. I put text on it that just said "@ Asherangel 💛"

we got to my house and face times Rylee for a bit and then jumped on the trampoline, went swimming and yeah ik we did some pretty random things but we're weird so yee

if you couldn't tell I don't usually try on reading it over but oh whale

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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