chapter 9 - cant decide

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well it's Monday morning and I'm still wondering what Kaden was going to tell me. I actually hate having 2 guys in my life that I like. I feel really bad because I can't keep playing w feelings. I have to let Asher explain today. I put on a romper and a cardigan w some sandals and put my hair in a braid. it was picture day. I did some natural eyeshadow and mascara and a lil bit of highlight cause I wanted to be poppin (I'm so sorry bahahha) I got my backpack and left. mom was at work early and Milo wasn't home. I was walking and then my friend chase came up to me. "hey Erin" I just nodded "don't forget you have to talk to Asher today" I nodded again and put in my earbuds. chase walked away and I put on Billie eilish cause her voice us beautiful. I got to school and saw Asher immediately. he's lucky he's cute cause I would've drop kicked him by now. I walk up to him and look at his outfit. he's wearing ripped jeans w a black shirt and a green bomber. along w some vans. this kid knows how to dress. I pull out my earbuds and look at him w a shrug. "sooo.." he laughed. "Erin. I'm so so so so sorry. I was mad, and seeing you w that guy just made me feel really upset so I took it out on you which I shouldn't have done. I know what I did was mean and everyone did see that picture but I told them to forget they ever saw it and stuff but I'm so truly sorry. I just really like you. a lot. and I want you to be my girlfriend. " I just kinda looked at him not knowing what to say. "umm" I looked down and kicked a rock. "well Asher I forgive you. I hate holding grudges. I'm not too sure on the girlfriend thing yet I'll have to think about it" he smiled. "take your time I'll wait" I just smiled and walked off. I met up w Rylee and I felt bad cause we haven't hung out in such a long time. "what was that about?" I laughed "wellll he asked me out and also dang girl you look cute today!" she smiled. "thanks!!" she wore also a romper w a white cardigan and some sandals as well. we kinda planned the romper. I got someone to take a picture of us and I posted it on my Instagram and vsco. I captioned it 'my shoulder to lean on' I got some comments and some made me laugh. one was from Milo. it said this

milomanheim- whaaaa I thought I was
ryleegriffen- @milomanheim wow bahahha
erinmanheim- @milomanheim you are too
kadengray- I thought I was
erinmanheim- @kadengray you're a close second bud <3
emilyrodgers- stop talking to my bf
erinmanheim- emilyrodgers no thanks :) (these names are all random so sorry if it's like a legit person oops) rylee just laughed at my comment back and we walked to class together. picture day went pretty good better then usual. now time for gym and its kadens last week.

I walk into the building and Kaden comes up to me. "so you're girlfriend doesn't like me alreadyyyy!!" I said this really fake and it made him laugh. "yeah sorry boo" he said impersonating rylee. I just laughed. then the smile faded. "hey um it's your last week and I'm not coming tomorrow or Wednesday but what were you trying to tell me at your house?" he grew nervous. "that I uh like you?" my heart dropped. he finally likes me back!!!!! "REALLY?!" he laughed "yep you're lucky I like you I didn't even let Emily have my hoodie!" I looked down. Emily. "hey kaden? if you like me why are you dating Emily?" he also looked down. "because I also like her." I looked up. "why? from what I heard she seems controlling and not the nicest." he rolled his eyes "don't talk about her like that! I like her ok?" I just shrugged. "I'm not saying she isn't nice. I'm just saying it's what I've heard I'm not assuming she is. no need to get worked up man" Kaden rolled his eyes again. "just let me date who I wanna date and leave me alone honestly I don't know why I like you you're not even as pretty as Emily!" I backed up some. I saw Thomas and kyle come from behind the corner. they heard what happened. I just nodded and walked off. who needs Kaden rn? not me. Thomas and Kyle put their arms around me and we all walked together into the break room. Now I don't like them lol they're like brothers and best friends. we went into the break room until it was time for gym and while practicing I didn't make contact w Kaden once. I was done w fake people and I didn't know who to choose. I don't really think should care that much. I should just forget the people that don't like me and stop trying. it doesn't matter as long as I got my girls, my mom and Milo I'm all good.

Tuesday at school wasn't anything special although Asher made a lot of eye contact w me. I tried my best to ignore it but it was every class. after school I got milo to drive me to alyssas house. I knocked on the door to see his mom. "hi ms Kayla!" I smiled. I loved this woman. "hey sweetie!alyssa is in her room!" I looked down. "actually I was here to drop off kadens hoodie." she looked confused. "Kaden gave you his hoodie?" I laughed awkwardly. "oh nooo he just accidentally  left it at the gym so I brought it home washed it and decided to bring it back." she smiled. "oh thank you!" I left the house and went to dance.

Kaden Pov

"KADEN ERIN BROUGHT YOUR HOODIE! SAID YOU LEFT IT AT THE GYM PLEASE HANG IT UP" I walked into my kitchen and got the hoodie from my mom. as I was about to hang it up I sighed and a note came out the hood. it read "didn't want it anymore so here -Erin" I sighed again. what the heck did I do?

(so sorry this isn't really an Asher thing but it'll have more Asher in it soon I promise ;) so stay tuned don't know when I'll update again maybe Sunday)

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