Chapter 3

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No one p.o.v

Jason turned around on his bed for tenth  time tonight. He loved his uncle, Zeb, but was snoring in a way too loud. "That's why he never had a roommate" Jason thought. "For his snoring and his smell" Jason chuckled at the thought. Even though Zeb left the Ghost his smell managed to stay on the ship. That's why Jason never goes inside his uncle's old room. He got up and as silent as he could he walked out of the room putting the blanket around his shoulders. He went upstairs to where a little door was leading to the rooftop. Once he reached the rooftop and he sat down looking at the sky. He liked seeing the stars. It reminds him his home. He and his mom were always seeing the stars before they go to sleep. It was a tradition for them. Jason closed his eyes trying to remember all the planets he and Hera have gone to. After a while he laid down. He opened his eyes a little just to see the sky for one last time. And then he closed his eyes again falling asleep.

Sabine's p.o.v

I was waiting patiently for Hera to connect the Ghost and get aboard. I heard footsteps and the door opened and Hera walked inside.

"Hera it's good to see you! Is Jason here"

"No, I left him with Zeb"

"It's probably better that way"

"When you called me Sabine I got worried. You sounded...different"

"I know. Come on. We will explain"

I led her to the common room, where Ashoka was waiting for us.

"Ashoka, it's good to see you. It's been a long"

"I know. I'm happy to see you too Hera. Sit down"

Hera sat down, so did me and Ashoka.

"We called you because we have news about Ezra" Ashoka started and Hera's eyes widen.

"So you found him?! You know where he is?!"

"Well... not exactly" I said.

"What do you mean?"

I opened the holo-map. "Yesterday, when Ashoka was trying to heel Ezra's force signature she felt something. Like Ezra was full opened to the force. It only lasted for some second but we managed to find a location. There is nothing there. No planets, no asteroids, no life. The perfect place for someone to hide. But this part of the Galaxy is huge. And we thought that two ships are better than one"

Hera remain silent. She seemed deep in thought. I knew it had to do with Jason. He was always the first thing on her mind.

"You can take him with you" I said and she looked at me.

"Sabine, he's just a child. He's not ready for this yet"

"Hera. I know Jason. And he's more ready that ever. Maybe you're the one who's not ready. I know you're afraid to let him know but don't you think it's time. I mean he doesn't even know his whole family. He doesn't know anything about Ezra or......Kanan"

She looked down. A minute later she looked up to us and smiled.

"I'm going to call Zeb"

Me and Ashoka smiled back at her. Hera got up and walked to the Ghost. Ashoka went to prepare the ship for the search and I stayed on my sit. After so many years, we will get him back.

No one p.o.v

He tried to move. Big mistake. Everything hurts more. He tried to move his hand only to see that he couldn't because of the handcuffs. He groaned. The lights turned on and blinded him. He heard footsteps. He blinked a couple of times and he looked up to see Thrawn's creepy smile.

"After so many years I can finally take my revenge. Did you really thought that you could hold me forever"

Ezra chuckled.

"No. Just enough to make sure you wouldn't be able hurt anyone else again"

"But now, I'm the one who's holding you on a cage. I should kill you..... but it I prefer to let you suffer"

Ezra started laughing at this point.

"How can you make me suffer more huh? For so many years, I have been away from my family! My home! Because of you! You killed my master! You kept me away from everything I loved and cared about all this time. How can you hurt me more? What else can you take away from me? I'm so sick and tired that I will probably die in a couple of days. I haven't eat for weeks so I may as well starve my self to death. If you hit me or injure me I will probably die in a second. Kill me and you will give the rest I want so much. So, come on! Do the worst thing you can think about! I can take it!"

Thrawn was surprised. He didn't expect him to still have that rebel spirit inside of him. But then he smiled.

Ezra was taken aback when he saw him smile.

"Clever Jedi. But not clever enough. You seem to forget my methods. To win your enemies you must to know them. Not only their battle tactics but their philosophy and their character. And what I learned from your crew is that when one of you is in danger the others are doing everything to save him. Just like your master did with Captain Syndula and just like Sabine Wren will do for you. And I'm sure she won't come here without the rest of your crew. It's only a matter of time until they find us here. And once they get in here...." Thrawn pulled out his blaster and fired the wall. He looked at Ezra. The boy was furious. He kept thrusting around trying to get free from the handcuffs. He started laughing. His job here is done. He left Ezra was trying to take the handcuffs off and after failing for several times, he calmed down. He sat on the dark cell, leaning his head on the wall praying that his friends would be alright. That they wouldn't come for him. He would rather stay in this dark cell for the rest of his life than seeing his friends getting hurt because of him. That's when he realized, from all the pain he went through all this years, the very thought of loosing his friends again was the most painful.

So this was the third chapter. Taylor. Wow it's 1077 word. It's the biggest chapter so far. I hope you liked it! Save travels and goodbye!!! 😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸

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