Chapter 9

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It has been a week after Junmin caught the two lovebirds that were about to kiss. He was in a state of shock that his mouth was hanging open while the two were just looking at him as if they're killing him inside their minds.

And every damn time Jungkook would remember that, he would hang his head low, wincing in embarrassment. And he just want to beat up his very own brain for making him remember that moment almost everyday.

But looking on the bright side, everything is going well between him and Hyejin. Though Jungkook does still not accept the fact that Hyejin is not his girlfriend, at least, he still sees her as one even though it's just him thinking that way.

Hyejin, on the other side, she's happier than ever. Her friends at school would tease her for being blooming even though college is being so harsh on them. And since finals are coming soon, she'll be busy and drown in a lot of books in her room. Which she fears a lot for losing time with Jungkook.

But since Hyejin doesn't have any time for being pessimistic about it, she chose to plan ahead so she could avoid giving Jungkook a cold treatment out of nowhere.

And right now, she's waiting by the gate on Jungkook's school. Her mom had ordered her to fetch Junmin since he have been coming later than usual. Well, Hyejin knows why he does that but she's afraid that her mom might kick her out from their house.

It was August and September is just right around the corner. And September means it's going to be Jungkook's birthday. And she doesn't even know what to give him.

Hyejin suddenly realized that Jungkook being a kid is way more easier when it comes to birthdays. All she had to do is buy him some action figures and he'd be smiling genuinely at her.

But ever since he came into his teen age years, things got a little difficult. He became a little picky about some things. And come to think of it, Hyejin doesn't really know what Jungkook specifically likes. She knows Jungkook's favorite food but not something he has been wanting for.

Thinking about it made hher head hurt so she shrugged it. Let's be that problematic once I get Junmin home. Hyejin thought and nodded afterwards.

Tapping her feet due to impatience, she tried tiptoe-ing to get a further view inside the school, looking for her brother. But instead of Junmin, she saw Jungkook, all smiles and waving at her as if they haven't seen each other for decades.

She smiled back at him and waved, not as energetic as Jungkook. As if a little kid- he actually is- he ran his way to Hyejin. Hyejin couldn't help but giggle at Jungkook's cuteness.

"Hey, Hyejin-noona!" Jungkook greeted, eyes looking at her intently as if he was asking for something. The same eyes that puppies use to make their owners pet them. And Hyejin did so, ruffling his hair, making him close one eye. They both giggled while other students are too busy to notice them.

"Heya, Kookie. How's school?" Hyejin immediately asked, making Jungkook shrug but a smile still can't leave his face.

"It's okay. But Junmin is still not talking to me." Jungkook pouted and she sighed. Ever since Junmin saw what happened in her room, he also have been ignoring them for a good one and a half week.

And the two are being problematic about the way he acts. Every-time he sees them together or not, he'd do his best to avoid interacting with them.

"Don't worry, I'll try talking to him once I see him." Hyejin comforted Jungkook and he nodded, trusting her. He knows everything will be okay if Hyejin's right next to him. He believes in her that she'll fo everything.

Hyejin kind of felt bad with the two boys' situation. As much as she can, she doesn't want to ruin a friendship. Junmin usually doesn't give any care to who she's with but this thing is different. Why is he being weird? They're best pals and why is he so upset seeing him with her?

And speaking of the devil, they saw him head hanging low as he walk towards the gate. As soon as he raised his head to see the way he'll take, he immediately saw the lovebirds waving at him happily, pissing him off.

"Minnie!" Hyejin called and ran to his direction so he couldn't escape her anymore. Before he could turn to the other direction, she already caught Junmin's arms, ankling hers and his.

"What are you doing here?" Junmin asked, the embarrassment in his voice was obvious. Hyejin smiled at him and dragged him with her.

"Mom said I should pick you up. Plus, Jungkook's with us!" Hyejin tried lifting his mood up but Junmin just grimaced. He tried snatching his arm away from Hyejin but she gave him the you move away and I'll kill you smile that gave him no choice but let her drag him.

And Jungkook soon appeared on their sight, smiling hesitantly at them. He feels a little awkward, not knowing what to feel since Junmin has been ignoring him.

Junmin just rolled his eyes at him that kind of hurt his feelings. But Jungkook heightened his consideration for him.

As they're walking on their way, an awkward silence was wrapping around them. The silence was unbearable and Hyejin and Jungkook kept on throwing glances at each other since Junmin is in between the two.

"So, Jun-ah, how's school?" Hyejin did the first move to ease up the tension between each other. Junmin shrugged, not sparing any glances on anyone.

"It's fine. How about you? What's up between you and Jungkook?" That question made the two freeze. Eyes widening and breathing start to get uneven. Jungkook glanced at Hyejin for help and she assured the younger that she'll be the on to handle the situation. Well, she always does anyways.

"Uh.. we-we're just-- you know..." Hyejin couldn't find the right words to tell Junmin. She and Jungkook doesn't have any label and she can't just tell Junmin that they're dating since they are not and Jungkook might think that they really are dating even though they aren't.

"Are you guys dating?" Junmin asked again, eager to gather answers from his unending questions. Hyejin could feel Jungkook's gaze on her. As if she's a bait, and Jungkook is the shark, about to prey on her.

"K-Kinda." She answered, head hanging low since she know Junmin would be giving her death stares. Junmin doesn't like things without clarification, things without closures. And with what his sister had just said, that is something unclear.

"What? 'Kinda'? What kind of answer is that?" The matter of respect towards elders just vanished into thin air and Hyejin wanted to scold him for raising his voice at her like that but he was unstoppable.

Junmin was throwing her a lot of questions that are mostly unclear for her since he doesn't even give her a chance to speak. Not long enough, Junmin suddenly grabbed Jungkook and dragged him with him towards somewhere. Hyejin doesn't know where but she sure as hell ridicule what just happened.

"Oh wow, how dare he take his bestfriend's side instead of mine." She chuckled to herself as she watch the two fast-walk their way away from her. She's happy that Junmin finally chose to give them attention and she just hopes that he won't get mad at her than usual.

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