Chapter 47

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Jungkook's true to his words and also came an hour earlier than the said time. And since he couldn't wait anymore hour inside his car, he decided to go up to her office.

He passed by a few staffs that are also about to head home and they would stare at Jungkook.

Who wouldn't stare at Jungkook anyways? He look downright gorgeous and if you see those muscles flex up close, bet you wouldn't be able to breathe no more.

But even though Jungkook has been getting this kind of treatment, he is still uncomfortable about it. Specially having so much fame is like he also gave up his privacy. As if someone's always watching him.

He quickly walked his way to the elevator and luckily, no one has to ride it with him. And for a few minutes, he actually felt safe. But he knows this won't last that long.

Jungkook's happy that Hyejin's his once again but there is still this worry inside him. Not the kind of worry that Hyejin might replace him again. He already wasted his trust on her so he won't falter wasting it on her again.

The thing he's worrying about is the people's acceptance.

Yeah, they don't even last a day yet but is it that bad to think of the future? To think of the possibilities? And whenever Jungkook thinks of it, it just doesn't seem to go well.

Because first and foremost, the people who love him unconditionally until he grew would be hurt if they knew about his relationship with someone. He loves them too, believe him but even if he loves his fans and all the ARMYs, he can't deny that there's still someone who he will love with his whole heart and life.

Second, his career. Some would absolutely not accept the fact that he already love someone, that's something for sure and he can't just let his career go down just cause he learned how to love.

He worked hard enough to gain all of this recognition. Jungkook spent sleepless nights just to be the best, the perfect Jungkook everyone thought he is. He has quite the good looks but that doesn't matter. What matters is his passion in singing. And he always hopes that people would give more attention to it rather than his face.

Last and not the least, Hyejin's safety. Jungkook knows some of their fans are matured enough to accept that he can't love them the way they love him but there's still no going easy when it comes to their safety. Some of them have received threats and they all have their ARMYs to protect them but Hyejin. Hyejin only have him, her friends. And what if Hyejin's too weak to handle these kind of things? Everything will just be back to zero and all his efforts will be thrown out of the window.

But he trusts her, and he hopes that she's stronger than anything that would come through their way.

He finally reached the floor of Hyejin's office and he headed out. Her secretary is already gone and he smiled to see that there's finally no one going to interrupt his alone time with her.

Jungkook didn't bother knocking on the glass doors anymore but he sure did tried to look through it even though it's blurry. He can see Hyejin's figure sitting on her chair and he opened the door, welcoming himself.

Even though he's already inside Hyejin's office, she didn't even bat her eye on him and kept her focus on the papers and magazines piled right in front of her. Jungkook though of a plan that would most probably make Hyejin hate him but it'll be probably worth it.

He tiptoed his way to her desk and stopped far enough for her not to hit him and not to be noticed. Jungkook then stomped his foot as loud as he can and said a 'Boo!' in a deep and possibly scary way.

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