Chapter 25

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It was already dawn before Hyejin realized that she didn't even got an hour or even a minute of sleep.

She way too occupied, the thought of Jungkook kept on lingering in her mind. She couldn't think of anything but him.

Her blaring alarm started making noise, causing Hyejin to land a smack on top of it to turn it off. She finally got up from bed and lazily went to her bathroom to do her morning routines.

She was still dazed, even in the shower all she could do was just stare into space, the events last night was like a broken tape. Replaying and replaying overnight.

With only a towel wrapped around her body, she faced her mirror only to see a red mark on her neck. Which was most probably the aftermath of Jungkook's vampire-like actions last night. Kissing on sucking on her neck like that.

Hyejin's face grew as red as the hickey, but way more lighter. Her finger danced along the mark, a weird feeling of happiness creeps into her heart.

She just came back into Jungkook's life and now she's already being marked by him as if she was some kind of territory.

And it's more overwhelming to have a hickey already even though they just got reunited. Everything was so wrong in so many ways.

But it's only her that thinks that way. Because Jungkook thought that they never really broke up, well, they don't even have anything to break up anyways.

And if it's that easy to walk out of Jungkook's life, it'll most probably be easier to walk into her life.


"Well, if it isn't my very punctual sister," Junmin greeted his sister who was half asleep as she traversed all the way to their office.

She just passed by her brother, not really minding the teasing since she doesn't even have enough energy to do anything today. And Junmin was quick to notice her lack of energy.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" And the way Junmin's teasing quickly turned into a caring brother was about to make fun of Hyejin but she just kept it to herself. Could be used soon if ever she needs to crush his huge ego down.

But then again, she suspected her brother that maybe, just maybe, he actually set her and Jungkook up to meet last night. She raised an eyebrow and eyed him carefully.

"You said something about Jungkook last night, right?" Junmin nodded confused as to why she suddenly asked the question.

"Did you tell him that I was gonna be at the parlor last night?" He shook his head no and Hyejin nodded, eyes slowly closing.

I guess it must be fate that's bringing us back together.

She scoffed and smiled at the thought. It was pretty ridiculous but it's not that bad to believe some kind of things, right? Especially when things are actually going that way.

She sat down comfortable on her chair, back resting on the comfy cushions, bouncing on her back. She started rocking herself side to side, sighing softly.

"Well, Jungkook unexpectedly came to the parlor with my client, Taehyung," Hyejin turned her head to the right, her hickey was exposed and Junmin gasped at the sight.


"Did Jungkook do that?" Junmin asked in horror, eyes twitching and hands balled into fists.

"Calm down, Minnie. I just scratched this." Hyejin lied but even though Junmin thought that it really was a scratch, the thought of Jungkook placing a hickey on his sister is way more believable than a scratch.

He quickly fished his phone his phone from his pocket. Dialing Jungkook's number and getting his vocal chords ready for yelling at him.

Junmin really isn't that type to be overprotective on someone but seeing his sister have a hickey on their first meeting is just completely outrageous.

Jungkook's phone rang for two times before he answered, his breathy voice due to practicing greeting Junmin. He was fuming mad and inhaled first before threatening his friend's life.



"So yeah, someone just threatened to kill you when they see you." Hoseok informed the younger. Face was distorted, showing discomfort and worry from the man who just threatened their maknae.

"Oh? Who was it?" Jungkook doesn't feel that much fear for an unknown reason and he took his phone from the older's hand to check.

"I think it was Junmin? I didn't really see it." Hoseok replied and Jungkook laughed. He shook his head, sending his friend a text of apology.

"Yeah, it was him. He most probably saw it." Jungkook confirmed, still ridiculing his friend's raging state. It's just way too amusing for him even though there's a small hint of fear inside him.

"Saw what?"

"The hickey I put on his sister's neck."

"A what?"

Hoseok almost yelled at the younger's reply. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe the younger was actually getting more action than him who actually had a girlfriend but dead ass cold.

"What base did you reach?" He immediately asked as if some kid asking how babies were made.

"Just the first. I won't lay a hand on her until it's time for me to." Hoseok nudged his side and he just smiled from ear to ear. Head lying low to hide his extreme happiness just by talking and thinking about her.

"Ooh~ And when is that?" He teased the younger and he crossed his arms, guns flexing, eyes squinting and pursing his lips to avoid getting his lips torn apart from smiling too much.

"Until she accepts her defeat and realize that I am the one for her." Jungkook smirked, scoffing as he visualize for that time to come. He couldn't wait any longer, so he grew more and more determined.

He will give her a taste of her own medicine. And he wouldn't show any mercy until she begs.


I really hope that our classes would be suspended again tomorrow. I'm way too nervous for the presentation lmao why am I the leader even

Enjoy and happy reading 💞💓💝

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