College year one-14

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"ACK!" He yells, and I see Dart growling. Good Dart. He kicks Dart aside and Dart lands with a small whimper. "Dart!" The vampire growled. "I will kill that thing." He turned his attention back to me. He put his hand in my hair. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" He brings his face close to mine, and forcefully kisses me, before going to my neck. I push him. "No, stop no, don't please no." He doesn't hear and grabs both of my hands aside.

'Jin, I need help now!'

He didn't reply.

I feel a stinging pain in my neck, and then a sucking feeling. As if something was getting sucked out. "S-stop" I push against him. He doesn't reply. I began to grow weak. The vampire ripped himself from my neck. He looked me in the eyes. "Kiss me." I looked at him angrily. "Why?" He looked confused to. "How did you just refuse what I say? Never mind it." He slapped me. "Don't resist."

He dug back into my neck, and I give a cry of pain.

I hear a voice in head. 'invite me in' it wasn't Jin's voice, but I complied. I needed help now. "C-Come in" The vampire breaks from my neck and slaps me again. "Who're you inviting in? Nobody's there."

"That's because I'm right here."

The vampire turns around only to open his eyes in fear. "M-my prince. I'm sorry I didn't know." "You didn't know? I told you not to already. You didn't follow my directions. I told you not to prey on weak humans. You didn't listen to me. Are you a rebel?" The vampire's face grew paler. "N-No my prince I didn't mean to do it like that. Her blood is just really good that's all" The so called 'prince' gave no reply.

I couldn't see his face, but it was apparently scary. The so called 'prince' grabbed the neck of the vampire and threw him across the room. I went to Dart. I held Dart in my arms and watched in horror as the prince sucked his fangs into the vampire, drinking from him. Royalty vampires can drink from vampires?

He then punched the vampire.

But his fist went into the vampire's chest.

And it came out.

Holding a beating red thing.

I take a few steps back. He just pulled out the heart of a vampire. He looked towards me and took a few steps. I saw his bloody hands. He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh that felt good. I haven't killed someone in a while." I couldn't recognize the voice. It seemed different, as if more...savage. I guess that's what a vampire's voice is.

The prince looked back at the vampire. Fire came out of nowhere and began to envelop the body. I jumped back. "Isn't that going to burn down my house?"

"No, just the body. Magical fire." I nodded. I'll just clean the blood up later. "Thank you for saving me." The prince nodded. "I was just nearby when I heard. Be careful, your blood smells really good." I grabbed my neck subconsciously. "Thank you anyway. Can I know your name?" He smiled, and his fangs glinted in the darkness. I took a step back. "Were you the one who killed my brother?" No response. "Answer me! Was it you?"

He took a step towards the door. "I didn't know what I was doing that night. Your brother attacked me first, as a vampire hunter. I defended myself and killed him. I saved your life today. Call it even." I grabbed my mouth and slid down the wall. "And I just invited you in. I invited my brother's killer in."

"Relax. I want nothing to do with you. I won't step in here ever again. We're even. I took a life, and I saved a life." I couldn't form words. "Thank you anyway. You saved Dart's life too I guess. Can I know your name?" He didn't answer.

"I'm thirsty." He said that, and in a gust of wind, he was gone.

I held Dart. "Dart?" Dart whimpered weakly. I took him to his bed. I grabbed the phone and called the vet. She said she would come. I sat with Dart right inside, waiting for the vet. I'm not letting her in. After a few minutes, the vet showed up. I sat her on the steps and made her give Dart a check-up. "He'll be fine but needs delicate care. His bones are now fragile." I nod. "I'll give him good care."

The vet left. I placed Dart on his bed. I head back into the living room, where the rug was. There was blood and the heard on the rug. I almost threw up looking at the heart. I headed into the kitchen and got my gardening gloves. I picked up the heart, and it was pulsing. I dropped it. I picked it up this time, cringing while it was pulsing. "You couldn't take the heart with you?" I asked. "It smells too." I went outside and threw away the heart.

Thankfully, there was no blood on the carpet. The heart was dry, with no blood on it. I tried to think of something to do, but now I was scared in my own house. It wasn't really safe anymore. I checked the time. 9:08.

Arin: Mira, you asleep?

Mira: I can't really sleep :(

Arin: How did your date go?
Mira: He was really nice. I think I like him.

Arin: Calm your horses. That's way too fast.

Mira: love at first sight.

Arin: If you say so. wanna stay the night at mine?

Mira: Isn't it a bit late?

Arin: yeah, but I can't sleep, and my own house is creeping me out because I live alone.

Mira: I'll be there.

Arin: Thank you

I thought about it while Mira was gone. I needed to distance myself from vampires. Forget about all of them. I need to move on in my career, and I can't do that if I'm dead. I hear a knock on my door. I open the door. She walks in, and I release my breath. I hadn't invited her. So she's not a vampire.

She gives me a confused look. "The cold air outside is refreshing" She nodded. She walked into my kitchen. "So...did you already eat?" I shook my head, and she clapped her hands. "Yay, food! I'll try cooking." I laughed and watched her.


"Ok, so now we've decided that you will not ever, ever, ever cook." I threw out the now burnt pan. "Now I'm down a pan." Mira shrugged. "I guess I'm not the best cook." I glared at her. "You can't even call yourself a cook. You don't have that right." "Yah, I'm not that bad." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say." "I'll cook some Kimchi stew."

"That sounds good."

I set to cooking.

"Aww, so adorable." Dart walked up to Mira. She rubbed him behind the ears. "Yeah, I recently got him. His name is Dart." Mira cuddled up with Dart. Dart looked so happy. "Lookie there, Dart got a new friend." After I was done cooking, I served us both. "Next time, you can do the cooking. This is actually really good." I nodded. "I'm decent at cooking."

After that late dinner, Mira and I decided to just go to sleep. "I wasn't sleepy, but man your kimchi is good." With Mira next to me, it became easier to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to see Mira trying to make breakfast. "Did you brush your teeth?" She gives me a look and heads to the bathroom. "Sorry, mom." I snort. "I'm not Jin." She laughs. "Do you like Jin?" I sigh. "I don't like anybody." She snorts and heads off to the bathroom. I had already brushed my teeth, so I decide to make pancakes for the both of us.

I had them served and ready on a plate when Mira walks in, her hair wet. "You showered?" She nodded. "I still have to go to school." I gave her pancakes, and soon she left. "Mira." She turns. "Hm?" "For lunch, let's meet at the café. I'll bring some of my cooking." I say to sweeten the deal. She nods. "For your cooking? Anything. Mind if I bring friends?" I shook my head. "How many friends?"

"Just make a lot of food. I'll eat all of it anyway" I nod and crack my knuckles. "I'll be making a lot then."

She leaves and I head to my kitchen. Time for a challenge.

Cooking without getting creeped out of my own house.

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