Chapter 7

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Above is Elaine's spear, except the spearhead is black but i couldn't find the perfect all black spear. So yeah, you can continue reading now.

Chapter 7:

Elaine's eyes fluttered open and she recognized the room she was in as the room where she was before. Sitting up slowly, she sighed as her muscles protested. She swung her legs off the bed and slowly made her way into the bathroom. The bright lights of the bathroom momentarily blinded her and when her eyes adjusted. After taking care of her business, she was washing her hands when the door to the bathroom opened. Scinece stepped in and smiled at Elaine. "You were only asleep for a couple of hours," she said, taking Elaine's hand and leading her out of the bathroom and onto the bed. Scinece pointed to Elaine's shoulder and asked, "How does it feel? Any pains or sudden symptoms?" Elaine shook her head and asked a question herself, one that she's been itching to ask since the first time they met. "You and Lincoln have powers, don't you?"

Scinece's eyes widened and she stammered to answer. "Huh? N-no, wha-what are you talking about?" And she let out a nervous chuckle. "Um, uh, if you're not feeling any pain, I'll go now. Alpha Faust also wants to see you later in the afternoon in his office." And she left before Elaine could ask anymore. Elaine let out a sigh of frustration. She knew Scinece and Lincoln were hiding something from her but didn't know how to get it out of them. Their father wouldn't say a thing about his children even if you tortured it out of him. Elaine hated not knowing about something and it's even more frustrating since it's her mates keeping secrets.

"Gina, bring my spear to the Lucas and Jackson's tent. I'll meet you there," she said. Might as well do something productive before meeting with Faust. It was probably about Kylie and the thirteen warriors. Elaine was ecstatic at the thought of punishing Kylie herself for all the offenses she's made against an Alpha. Elaine walked out of the bedroom and made her way to Lucas and Jackson's tent. Lucas and Jackson were the pack's blacksmiths. They were humans, enslaved by one of the worst packs, Opal Pack. She took them under her wing when she found out about the underground forges where they made humans do all the work. The forge was in the worst of conditions; the furnaces improperly placed, tools haphazardly thrown about and if you made a mistake in making them a weapon, you were severely punished. Lucas and Jackson are brothers and were the last humans left in the pack. Apparently the Yule Council had found evidence of human trafficking near the pack and the Alpha was forced to lay low and stop operations until it blew over. But when Nameless passed through the pack, Gina and Duke spotted the brothers running from the pack's warriors. And ever since they saved them, Lucas and Jackson used their knowledge in blacksmithing to show their gratitude in saving them.

Before long, Elaine met with Gina who handed to her the spear and then left wordlessly to go back to training. Elaine said a thank you to her through the mindlink, seeing as she left before Elaine could say anything else, but Gina's mindlink was shut off. Something was bothering Gina but Elaine let it be until Gina was ready to talk about it. Pushing aside the flaps of the tent, she stepped inside and was immediately greeted by Lucas, who was wiping his hands in a rag. "Hello, Alpha. What can I do for ya?" He asked, pocketing the rag in his apron. Elaine looked around, and said, "I just need to sharpen my spear. It dulled when I impaled a rogue." Lucas chuckled and took the spear from Elaine. He went about pulling supplies to sharpen the blade. "Where's Jackson?" She asked and took a seat on an empty stool. "Oh, he went with Delta Alaska to get firewood. Our wood supplies were getting low," he explained, without looking up from his sharpening. Elaine hummed in response and conversation fell quiet after that.

The sounds of the blade making contact with the sharpening stone and classical music from Jackson's record player were calming and she closed her eyes, focusing on the sounds and she hummed along to the music. Minutes later, Lucas was shaking her a bit. "Alpha, your spear," he said and handed over the weapon. She noticed that the body of the spear was shinier, but decided not to question it. Lucas did always do more than what she asked for but nonetheless, she thanked Lucas and asked him to give her greetings to Jackson when he got back. Lucas nodded and Elaine left.

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