Chapter 11

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I feel like this is short but I think the next chapter will be long enough. This book is almost finished and I'm sad and excited because a lot of things will change, so get ready for that. Read on, my friends.

Chapter 11:

After dinner, both packs situated themselves again in the training site and both warriors and members stared at the two Alphas, standing behind the podium. Elaine started talking first, "The Council is a force to be reckoned with and I'm sure you know this. I, myself have had an encounter with the Council, but I wasn't the one who left with more bruises. Which is why tonight, we are here to discuss exactly what to expect from every Elder that will enter the battlefield."

"Kole Palota, a fire elemental. Other than his fire, he's useless. He depends too much on his powers, he never trained for anything else. Unfortunately for him, I know exactly what his weakness is; crystals. The crystals weaken him and as long as you surround him with it, he won't be able to use his powers or defend himself.

Falah Oren, a water elemental. She's the complete opposite of Kole. Using mostly her spear and combat skills, she only depends on her powers when she absolutely needs it. Her favorite move is sending a tidal wave, with a force strong enough to destroy a city, which is why, I'm sending these out to every warrior," she said, lifting a pair of boots. "It looks just like normal boots, but they help you keep your balance and pack quite the kick. If and when, Falah does her wave, all you need to do is plant your feet and the boots are enchanted to keep you in your spot and you won't move or get swept away with the wave.

Next, Juna Killman. She's the strongest out of all five of them. Her fighting skills are a rival with mine and her powers even deadlier. Her telekinesis allows her to move anything with her mind, but with the boots, she won't be able to move you. But, don't underestimate your enemies, no matter how weak they may seem.

Alister Hale, an illusionist. The extent of his powers are still a mystery to me, but, from what I've experienced, he can see into your mind and make you see what he wants you to see. And my next gift will help when you are caught in a battle with him. These necklaces become invisible when you put it on and will prevent Alister from looking into your mind.

And last, but not the least, Opal Hale, Alister's sister, is another dangerous woman. She can project a wave of emotions into a handful of people at a time. Her fighting skills may be non-existent, but she can use your emotions against you and make you feel you don't have to fight her. Unfortunately, I don't have an item to help with that."

"I do," someone spoke up. Everyone turned their heads and watched as Scinece made her way to the podium. She silently asked permission to speak and was granted by Faust. "My powers are the same with hers and I know just exactly how to counter it. She can't control her own emotions and that's what she pushes out to others. But if I can somehow use that against her, she'll be too overwhelmed with her own emotions to play with others' emotions'," she spoke, her voice filled with determination. Elaine watche at her mate, amazed at her confidence, but she also was concerned for her safety.

Elaine faced the audience again and said, "That is all for now. Tomorrow, I want everyone up and training early, because you will all start training under me. And before you think of disobeying, remember what happened to the very people who disobeyed me. Dismissed."

Faust sighed behind her, making her turn her head to him. She raised at eyebrow and asked, "Anything wrong, Faust?" He shook his head, answering, "It's just that, watching you talk so confidently, makes me remember how I was when I was your age; the complete opposite of you." He laughed at the memory, before saying, "I better go. Keller is waiting for me at the office." And he left. Everyone had also left, all except Scinece and Lincoln.

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