Chapter 14

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Scinece ran for the attic, quickly unlatching the door and pulling down the ladder. Climbing up, she headed for the other ladder leading to the roof. As soon as she poked her head out the roof, a wave of emotions surged through her and she fought the urge to run and cower, but she closed her eyes and sent out her own wave, filling it with all the hope and determination that she had.

She pictured days of waking up next to her mate, nights filled with cuddling and dinners with family and all the people she loves. She saw memories of her mother's warm smiles and homecooked meals. Scinece saw her father's determination to live and fight for his children; saw his resolve to live in the memory of his wife and cherish his children.

Scinece opened her eyes and she sent wave after wave of positivity and persistence, she filled the warriors with the images of hope; filling them with the vigor they need to push through this massacre.

Elaine, on the other hand, was definitely feeling the results of her emotions. In her unconscious state, she dreamt of days with Scinece and Lincoln; breakfasts with laughs and seeing their bright smiles, lunches and dinners filled with a mellowness and feeling their warm bodies next to hers as she snuggled with them.

She stirred. And seconds later, her eyes opened and she felt as though she could run a marathon and fight through an army without breaking a sweat. She sat up and her keen ears picked up on the battle already raging outside. Alaska, as a wolf, stood at the end of the bed, turned her head and nodded at Elaine, who swung her legs and stood. Alpha, Alaska mindlinked, everyone is at their proper formations. Scinece has already started her own attack against Opal. Unfortunately, no one has seen Lincoln or Alistair. Elaine nodded at her and stroked her fur. "You can go now, Alaska. Defend our pack and fight with honour," she said, before she planted a kiss between Alaska's eyes. Then, in a flash, Alaska was out the window and into the battle. Elaine smirked when she heard a yelp from a wolf she knew Alaska just clawed. Elaine then turned to the direction of the attic and followed Scinece's footsteps.

Elaine climbed the ladder to the roof and saw Scinece near the edge, her arms thrust out on either side of her and Elaine could physically see the images she sent to the packs fighting. Slowly, Elaine made her way to Scinece and gave her a peck at the top of her head and just as Scinece opened her eyes, she winked at her blushing mate and jumped off.

Of course, she landed on her feet and jumped on the nearest Nameless pack member, which turned out to be Polly, and mindlinked her to take her to the heart of the battle. Thank goddess, she was still wearing her clothes from when Kyle poisoned her and she still had her boots where she hid her deadly sharp hunting knives. Whipping those out, she slashed through the enemy wolves who didn't even see her coming. Which was stupid, since she was the only human riding a wolf on the battlefield. Polly ran through the battle, clawing enemies on the way. Atta girl, she thought and Polly let out a bark, letting her know she heard Elaine's praise.

Lincoln panted, fighting to keep Alistair's illusions at bay. Some of the pack had lost their necklaces in the heat of the battle, both Nameless and Moon Stone. Which is why he was now battling Alistair, in hopes to distract him long enough to stop his illusions and counter them withh his own. Alistair was powerful, but he hid under the covers of his mind tricks and neglected to finetune his skills to work even under battle. Lincoln dodged yet another attack from the illusionist and gave Alistair his own images: darkness and pain from when they took him and Scinece, giving Alistair just a small dose of the pain and fear he experienced while they experimented on him, like he was a guinea pig.

Just then, a wolf smashed into him and from the corner of his eye, he saw a body flying through the air and spinning just before she hit the ground and landing on her knees. He recognized the pale blue markings on the body and he yipped in delight. Elaine turned her head and their eyes connected and in that moment, he swore that her eyes turned a startling color of shining forest green. Elaine patted the wolf's head, the one who smashed into Lincoln and the wolf ran off into the separate direction. Elaine brandished her hunting knives and Lincoln watched as she thrust one into an enemy wolf and threw the other behind her without even looking, but the knife struck true and hit the wolf square in the head. Then the knife wiggled in the wolf's head before it dislodged itself from the head and back to Elaine's hand, slicing a few enemies in the process.

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