Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Elaine watched her pack disappear into the woods. She and Faust had agreed to send the ones who couldn't fight to a nearby ally pack. For her pack, only a few dozen left and she sent a small group of ten of her warriors with the members and double back after. As the last of the pack was out of her sight, she sighed and turned around. Jay and Polly were staying even after her insisting they leave as well. But the pair stood firm. They were now staying in Gina and Alaska's tent, a condition she set after she gave up convincing then to leave.

Elaine made her way back to her own tent, where Scinece and Lincoln were sitting on the couch after she let them out of the secret room. Lincoln threw his arms around her as soon as she stepped into the tent. She returned the hug and fell into his arms. She was exhausted from today's events and she was feeling it now. Scinece jumped up and went over to them and helped Lincoln get Elaine to the bed. The tired Alpha dropped on the bed with a sigh.

Lincoln and Scinece cuddled up to her sides and she wrapped her arms around the twins, pulling them closer. Their combined warmth shielded Elaine from the chill air. She sighed again, content with having her mates with her for now.

The next morning, Elaine woke to find Scinece staring down at her. Elaine smiled and brought her head up to give her a quick kiss on the lips. She sat up, stretched and almost hit Scinece in the face.

"Sorry," she said and stood up. Lincoln stirred awake and yawned. The twins watched as Elaine made her way into the small shower before she pulled a divider between her and the twins. She laughed when she heard Lincoln groan. She only took a quick shower and minutes later, she emerged from the shower, wearing only a towel. "Take a shower too, it's gonna be a long day today," she said, before she walked to the dresser. She heard someone walk up behind her and felt them put their hands on her exposed shoulders. Then she felt them press against her back. It was Scinece and Elaine felt her press kisses down the column of her neck. She tilted her head to give her mate more access to her neck.

Scinece pulled Elaine away from the dresser and Lincoln stepped in. He claimed Elaine's lips and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Tag teaming me, huh?" She said, pulling away for a moment. She cupped Lincoln's cheeks and pulled his face down to continue kissing him more. Elaine had forgotten about Scinece momentarily, but she made her presence known when she nipped at the spot behind Elaine's ear. Elaine gasped, letting Lincoln explore every corner of her mouth. The twins moved her back until they fell back onto the bed. "We love you," they said in unison, Lincoln and Scinece pulling away to switch positions. Elaine whispered softly, but she knew they would hear it, "I love you more."


After the twins had their way with her, Elaine had dressed in a pair of leggings, a loose long-sleeved shirt and the boots that help with balance. She left the twins sleeping peacefully on her bed while she grabbed her spear and made her way to Faust's office. Even at the dead of night, she knew he would be awake, planning for the battle.

Suddenly, something rustled in the trees to her right. She immediately raised her spear, her stance defensive. She walked slowly to the source of the sound. Then, a squirrel jumped out, stared at her curiously then scampered away. Elaine sighed and lowered her spear.

She has recently been on edge the past few days, but Scinece and Lincoln's presence helped her calm down a lot. She turned to leave, when something stuck on a tree caught her eye. She cautiously made her way to the tree and what she saw made her blood run cold. It was stained with blood, but Elaine still took it into her hands. She opened the small note. Thr handwriting was neat and elegant, a complete contrast to the condition of the paper itself.

"The thirteen and Tyler were only the first ones to suffer this war. Hand over yourself and the albinos and no one else has to get hurt. Fire three flares if you agree to our wishes. If by the crack of dawn in two days' time, we do not hear any response, the war must go on. Your choice, Elaine Chernoble. We await your response."

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