chapter four

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"Won't you leave a note ?" Harry sucks on the end of his stub of a cigarette. It's poetic really, if you look at it that way. The smoke tumbles out of his lips like a streamlined river and it lingers for a second too long before disappearing in the night air like it never existed in the first place.  "You know, so you can let your mother know you're safe and the sketchy looking bartender didn't disembowel you on the streets"

Sketchy ? If anything Harry looks like the kind of person that would trip over a puppy and stop to apologize to the said puppy. He's undermining his baby face, definitely. 

"Is that it or do you just want feel like you're on a hippie runway movie ?" I smiled, leaning on the wall "Oh well, no harm in letting her know that I just wasted shit ton of my savings money and I'm going to leave my beloved girlfriend on the alter. Just to let her know how amusingly wonderful her son is."

I bring out the paper towel on which I had scribbled my vows on and turned to the other unused side. "This shows I made an effort" I add, which I did. I scribble in my scabby font. 

Dear mum, there are some major things that I need to figure out before I agree to spend my entire life with another person. If I don't, I will never be a good partner and that won't be fair to Eleanor. So, until then, give me time and try to forgive me. I'm safe.

Love, Louis.

I folded the paper and re-entered the church with a sigh, I was one step away from hiding behind a plant and letting Jesus take the wheel. I tiptoed to the room where they kept the gifts and on top of a large, glitter paper covered box, with an uncharacteristically shaky hand  I placed the note and silently ran, praying under my breathe. I have never done anything quite like this, I must admit, the adrenaline adds to a rush that I enjoyed. 

So that's why there's crime in the world. Adrenaline. 

Harry's still leaning on the wall casually as he scrolls through his phone, a soft smile settled across his dumb face, like he didn't just convince me to run out of my wedding, "I'm like, really drunk, Harold, and it's partly your fault. If I regret this tomorrow morning, just add rat kill to my morning coffee." I slumped, sighing deeply. There's no way in hell I can come back to this place; alive. I hope I don't regret this when the night ends. 

Whom am I kidding, have I ever not regretted a decision I've made ? Of course I'd regret it the moment we're out of the church boundary. I'd regret it even more when I'm a loner hobo who has to move in with his mum because his ex fiance kicked him out of their shared flat for running out on their wedding day. 

"Don't you worry, love." He grins almost maniacally "that can be easily  arranged."

He smiles a lot.  He's a thousand percent, a serial killer. there's no other explanation. Good decision, Louis. Let's just pray he wont actually disembowel me or whip out a chainsaw mid way. 

"This way, Groom." He points at the dark alley. This just keep getting better, doesn't it, and totally not sketchy. Not at all. Louis, make a mental note, you're an idiot. 

We sneaked around in the alley, the sound of my dressing shoes clicking  on the pavement was the only sound I could perceive, and  then, he pulled out his, shall I say, monster sized motorcycle. Great, a death machine is all I needed. I might as well should have said my last goodbyes on that note because I'm riding into the afterlife.

 "Hold tight" He whispers in a breathy chuckle, after I finally manage to climb his towering death on wheel. I apologize for not being on par with Bigfoot, height wise. 

Now, on to the next crucial question, where am I supposed to hold him? 

I can't put my arms on his waist; that would be weird. Wouldn't it? It's way too intimate for two people that just met, maybe it's borderline molestation, actually. Should I place it casually on his hips? Or should I just keep them to myself? No, too risky. I don't want to fall off this gigantic bike and crack open my skull like an egg on the sidewalks.

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