chapter nineteen

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I sit under the only light bulb in the dimly lit shop, my heart hammering in my chest. this is it, i'm going to do it.

breathe in. breathe out.

Larry was hunched over my arm, rubbing alcohol on it. I had grabbed Oliver's hand with my other hand and maybe I was holding it too tight because he looked like he was in intense pain. 

"you sure you want this design ?" he questioned for the fiftieth time. yes, dumb head. 

"yes, Larry, yes" I muttered, and he placed the stencil over my damp arm, pressing it slightly.

"I don't understand why you're so adamant about getting a dagger. I know of a different but similar design with a rose incorporated into the dagger-" He grumbled, starting the tattoo gun "I mean, a tattoo is a permanent commitment so I won't coax you into getting something you don't like, but I don't get why you're getting a simple dagger"

The steady buzz of the tattoo gun reverberates within me. 

The needle pricks into my skin in small, hurried motions and I clench my eyes feels like a touch of pain coupled with an annoying, intense vibration and the sensation that someone is dragging a needle across your skin. 

"because-" I huff out "the rose has already been taken care of"


Three knocks. 

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Niall opens the door, he's laughing about something until he sees me and stops. He carries an amused expression, it's an expression of distrust, I would say. I look around the room through the chink produced by the door. I scanned the room quickly. Zayn was sitting in the corner sketching in his little sketch pad. Harry was laughing with Liam, sipping beer, dangling his legs over the counter. 

Wait. What in satan's incarnation ? Harry doesn't have hair-

I mean he's not bald or anything, but his curls are not there anymore. at all. His hair is short and styled in a quiff kind of look and if I was a girl, it would be this moment where I would be pregnant. He looks good, really good. Hotter even. but like, how, when, where, why ? 

Harry is not hairy any more. What the heck. How am I supposed to react to this ? It feels like after years and years of seeing your mum's blonde hair, she takes off her wig and declares she's a red head or a brunette or something. 

Wait, no. Maybe he had a twin brother he forgot to tell me about, and my curly haired princess would step out of one of the rooms. 

Who am I kidding, this is it. 

This definitely threw me off of what I was planning on doing. Well, shit. 

"Move aside, Horan" I commanded, even though it sounded a bit overboard, and he wordlessly gave in to my dominance, he cleared space for me and everyone's eyes followed me as I walked in. The room held no furniture whatsoever. Of course, they're moving.

Everyone's eyes reach up to meet my face and my entire body heats up. I feel like an intruder, like I don't deserve to invade their private space. Like, I'm alien to this friendship. My arm begins to throb, great. 

"Well, butter my back and call me a biscuit. If it isn't the Tommo" Liam screeched jumping from over the counter in child like excitement, running towards me with his arms wide open. I pulled out my hand to signal him to stop. I meant business. Liam pouted gently, tugging at the ends of his sweater. "Rude" He muttered silently and Zayn rolled his eyes. 

 I looked at Harry, his eyes wide and a gentle amused smile on his gorgeous Greek-god face. He was stiff, almost as if he was frozen in his spot. I wouldn't blame him, I was supposed to be having my first dance right now, how did I make my way back to a crammy apartment again ?

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