Bonus :)

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"Okay, holy shiitake mushrooms, I'm a little drunk.. uh, so you all have to bear with me" Niall grins from the stage, somehow his Irish accent more prominent than it has been in years, grabbing on to the mic stand like he's about to drop some sick bars, "Boys, gals and non binary pals, Harry and Louis are two of my bestest friends, even if such a word doesn't exist. I justmade it, just for them, because they are so much more than a measly best friend. So, take notes, Urban Dictionary"

I grab on to Harry's hands because I feel a little queasy, I'm married. Like husband husband married. Holy shit, I'm married. There's a ring on my finger that I'm never going to remove, never ever. Harry squeezes at my palm gently under the table, reassuring me. His hand is the same, it's always been the same since I know him; soft, mildly sweaty and awkward movement of long fingers. I want to kiss him, now. I want to snog my husband. husband.

Niall continues, swaying slightly with this champagne flute.

These two gentlemen are professional powerhouses. On any given day, they may wake up in different continents, cross paths in London between recordings and be home at time for dinner and for a walk in Paris. Harry might be in Perth writing songs about having babies, and Louis might be in California taking Cliff out for a walk but somehow, whenever you drop in their house, they're cuddling on the sofa. It blows my fucking mind-" Niall laughs and the guests laugh along as well, Felicity curling into a ball with laughter.

"How they race past continents and time itself, to always be there for each other and yet, be so contrasted. I once over heard a conversation between them, during the tour days, where Harry said to Louis, 'your ability to travel light is astounding. How you can be away for a week and only take a backpack is beyond me, there are certainly two types of gays in this world.' "

Oh, yes. We probably had this argument two years back when I ended up in the airport with a backpack and a skateboard while we were traveling for our Australian Leg of the tour, and Harry had to fly in the next day hauling two suitcases of my clothes. In my defense, I didn't ask him to do it. He brought it upon himself. In my opinion, if you have nothing, you need nothing.

In Harry's opinion, if you have nothing, you need to panic call all five of your managers and then your wardrobe consultants, and cry over the abominable lack of Gucci. It's ill omen to not have Gucci on set, don't you know ? morons. But, don't call them morons to their face because they're nice people who are trying their best and made an honest mistake, call them insufferable fools. But, nice and kind fools. who made an honest mistake.

"That is Tommo for you" Liam wolf whistles, swirling his flute of shiny champagne around. He grins at me. fucker. As if half of his suitcase is not consumed by silly strings and wax strips. He'll then hop into our dressing room, asking us, we've got a spare shirt or a spare tank top.

"Anyways, as I, the very credible and not so sober best man was saying, Harry and Louis have been through everything. You name it, they've rowed through it and successfully so. Harry's favorite words were and always have been "Your love will be safe with me" and he's held true. From Ciasa Salares' guacamole, to Liam's soggy eggs in that musty two bedroom apartment that honestly tastes like wet socks, I still don't understand how someone could fuck up something as basic as eggs so horrendously. To spending years on the stage serenading, to a late New Years Eve celebration in NYC in which you both had to appear in separate cars, to long walks around West Hollywood with not a fuck in sight. And now, they're here. And they're beautiful. Man, feels like just yesterday when I caught you both snogging each other on Robin's little cabin, look how far you've come. "

Ah yes, the smell of pine wood and the smell of Harry.

Harry squeezes my hands tighter, so much so, he was probably cutting off my circulation. "When did Niall get so good, geez" He laughed weakly which bright, teary eyes. I kissed his hand softly, his cool wedding band pressing against my nose as I did so. Harry was so lovely, he's always so lovely.

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