chapter five

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"Harry, mate!" someone shouted in a perky  Irish accent, banging against the door like cops trying to bust open a drug lord's hideout "open up, your arse is fucking late again and it's not fashionably late, it's irritably late !" 

Then it sounded like someone got down to kicking the door down. There's at least five heavy thuds and a tired grunt "Open up, it's your turn to pay ! Rules are rules !" 

ugh, must be Oliver. What does he want from Harry at this ungodly hour and what payment is he talking about ? And why is he trying to break open into the room like Harry crawled out of the window at the crack of dawn ? 

Whatever the matter was, I couldn't be bothered too open the door and face another stranger so I pretended to be asleep, shielding my eyes from the blinding sun rays, as it poured out generously through the window and spread across my face. I felt the bed dip beside me and fluff right up as Harry got up and answered the door. There was a click, followed by a loud thud, like someone punching someone in the gut. 

"Oh god, Niall. Heaven forbids if you could talk softly" Harry groaned and huffed. Who's Niall, now? There are footsteps barging into the room. 

"Aye, Sue, It's Sunday, we're supposed to grab breakfast at the diner like every other Sunday. Everyone's waiting for your lateass. Why can't you just, for once, get up on ti- wait, who's that?" shit, he must be referring to me. 

"That's-uh, his name is Louis-" Harry spoke, voice deeper than his normal speaking voice, which I don't even know how that's possible because his voice could be visualized as thick lava poured lazily out of a volcano.  

"Huh, that's weird" Niall or whatever his name is spoke and I could feel his smirk in his voice "I could have sworn you were not the one night stand type of lad, what happened to our sweet, church boy Harry-" followed by a muffled voice, like Harry clamped his hand over Neil's mouth. 

"Niall, shut up for a bit. We didn't sleep together, i mean we did- but not in that sense, you perv. That's Louis and he's a friend and he's staying with me for a bit." Harry's voice was a low octave whisper that sounded raspy. Oh, he's a singer. 

"Oh geez, my fault, but you arsecrack, Liam's already on his fifth cappuccino and he's furious. We were supposed to discuss the song-" 

"Oh shit, sorry. I had fucking wildest night of my life and I'll probably explain it there. We should get going, let me grab my jacket."  Harry whispered. 

"What about Lou-?"

Harry shushed Niall up and pushed him outside and I could still hear them, they were playfully shuffling around. Meanwhile,I got bored of pretend sleeping and so, I pretended to get up. I casually removed my arms from over my eyes and genuinely scrunched my nose on feeling the harsh light on my eyelids. With a slight struggle, I managed to roll myself off the bed and land on the floor. I ruffled my hair because it was matted to my sweaty forehead and started walking towards the door, stifling yet another, fake yawn. Acting, learn it from me. 

I saw Harry laughing with a pale,  blonde headed guy who seemed to be wheezing at something in the discussion. So, that is Niall. He seemed boisterously Irish. 

Niall stopped mid laugh when he saw me and turned all the way around and smiled at me and the energy on his face could light up the sun. I saw no alternative but to press a weak smile to my lips. Harry turned to me and smiled as well "Hey, Louis. Um, on Sundays we actually grab breakfast from this diner because that's like a tradition in this household. Would you like to join  us?" 

I had nothing better to do anyways and I was starving and also, kind of hungover. And there's nothing a BLT sandwich cannot fix, so I shrug apprehensively. Harry's hair was a mess, I wanted to run my fingers through it and let them settle at the area where they fell into little ringlets. No one could ever pull of those curls but him. 

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