chapter eight

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Saturday morning was as lazy as twelve year old me on summer break, wispy clouds stretched across the endless azure sky, people were setting up  their Halloween decorations, someone across our street was playing Kanye West's latest album. The seconds, the minutes seemed to lag on. The day started with Harry throwing our (his) worn out duffel bags in Liam's gargantuan car and me getting squished between Harry and Niall in the backseat. 

I didn't mind, really. We did look like an abnormal family on a day out. Like, the Cullen's from Twilight out for their baseball tournament. Which, when I think of it, Zayn really resembles a vampire. That guy has a face handcrafted to perfection and chiseled with minimalist details and he moves ever so silently.He also maintains a strict diet of energy drinks and ciggs. I have also, never seen him having a bad hair day. Another impossible feat for a normal human being to achieve. We mortals could never-

Maybe he'd even sparkle in the sun. 

Just saying. And Liam, he's our dad alright. He wore hideous neon colored dad worthy crocs and  carried a mile long checklist, counted the number of bags at least two trillion times and made sure we put on sunscreen. He's not being a total buzzkill per say but one can only hear "don't put your heads out of the window !" "no swearing in this car or money in the swear jar !" "are you sure you all are not hungry ?" a certain number of times before it gets exhausting. 

"I do not want your bloody sandwich, Liam, let me live" Harry joined his palms in a namaste  position and groaned loudly and stretched it till Liam was forced to put down the sandwich in his hand and crank the music up to a deafening decibel. 

"Okay then, anyone wants to wee?" Liam's voice perked up again, over the music. 

"Yeah, me" Harry raised his hand up like a student in a classroom asking permission from the teacher. cute. 

Liam shot Harry a stink eye.  "Guess you'll just have to hold it in, since, you didn't seem to be happy with my sandwiches earlier. Mhm ?" 

"Wanker" Harry jumped up and pulled at Liam's perfectly done up quiff, which caused Liam to panic. Meanwhile fight broke out over the other side when Zayn tossed a crisp packet out of the window and it hit Niall in the backseat. Niall kept trying to slap Zayn from the other window and Zayn kept swerving the car so he could defend himself. 

Good god. Man child. All of them. They all decided to stop only after a cop's car pulled us to the side. We looked at the cop with merciful eyes and needy smiles only to be told that our car was moving too bloody slow. So, there's that. Everyone calmed down after that interaction. We stopped for petrol and Niall and Harry had a wee and Liam ogled over the snack selection, while Zayn simply bought all visible Marlboro packs from the rack. He gave one to me. I bought some grape flavored gum. 

 "Nice shade." Niall grinned when he glanced at Harry's hands which were folded carefully over his lap and Harry let a shy smile take over his face. "Louis helped." He waved off, flaunting the shimmery green colored finger tips. 

"They look nice, don't they ?" I just chuckled lightly. They contrasted against his pale skin gleefully. And when light fell on them, they shimmered just the right amount to catch a passerby's eye without giving them a headache. 

"You look great too, Tommo, nice suspenders." Niall chirped and now, it was my chance to blush slightly and grin. "Harry picked." I whispered. or squeaked. I was snug in my new, pair of suspenders. I had forgotten how comfortable they felt. 

"Both of you got quite a chemistry, haven't you ?" Zayn speaks up and his eyes flicker towards mine through the rear view mirror. A wave of slight panic took over me and I looked at Harry for answers.  

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