New Empire

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The republic has fallen and turned into The Galactic Empire..Then there was The Rebels..i joined them as a Rebel Commando..with the clone Commando armor but with so extra's when i was on Yanin 4 i met someone i fell in love with on the first eye..

((Time skip))

Her name is Saturn..we are now a year of 4 in love day she came to me and said "Kyle i have something to say.." "What is it?" I said "i'm pregnant" she said..i was in shock  and pulled off my helmet..there was a clear Tear coming out of my eye.. a tear of world started moving again.. "i-i dont know what to say, i'm so happy, i've never been this happy since" then i stopped and remember Lavender..Saturn asked "since?" "The clone wars" i said " but that is the past, i'm lookin to the future"

((5 days later))

Something terrible has happend
The empire attacked Yavin 4 and Saturn isnt save now..
I said to her " Go!! Ur not save here i'll fight for you and every rebel here"

((Cliffhanger :3 ))

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