The First Order

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Our home got invaded by some army, First i thought it was The Empire with new tech, i didnt look like Storm Troopers of The Empire. "Dad!! Look!" Yelled Lizzy. "It's the Empire!! They are back and new tech!" "The Empire back? Impossible!" I responded. The Storm Troopers would come rushing out of the transports. "Those don't look like Imperial Storm Troopers, Lizzy." A Storm Trooper would walk up to us and said. " Where is you're people? " "Who's Asking?" "The First Order is." "The First Order?" Id say stunned. " Yes, The First Order. Now where ar--" id stop the Storm Trooper.
"We are the only one here, So it makes me the leader of the planet." "Hmm, Okay."  "And we want to stay neutral, i don't want war here." The Storm Trooper walked away "But!! If you're enemies are on this planet.. Try not to blow up stuff." The Storm Trooper nodded.   

                         3 hours later

A Chrome Storm Trooper would stand infront of the door. Id anwser. " Explain why there is a base near you're house." The chrome Storm Trooper said. "That base is from the clone wars, And who may you even be? "I'm Captain Phasma, and do you know the power is on? " id chuckle "You don't have Commanders? Haha. And yes i know that the power is online." " Hhmm. How do we get access to that base. " " You need codes." " Where do i find those codes?" She'd say sassy " You can't  " FIND " Those codes, you need a Clone Trooper with those codes AND the Clone has to have a post in that base, others didnt have any. " "Huhmm!!" And the Captain walked away.

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