Not the last one

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After we lost on Crait and barely survived i went home. The house, It's on fire?! I jumped off the falcon before it landed i ran to my house.

" Lizzy!! LIZZY!! Where are you?! " i yelled with emotions and ran inside
I would run upstairs into Lizzy her room. "No, Lizzy.. No!!" I picked her up and brought her as fast as i could outside the current medics on the falcon didnt have enough supplies only to keep her stable.

I showed them the way to the Old base and i went looking into the Crashed CIS battleship not to far from the base when i entered i noticed they still had power, i'd have my DC-17m at the ready.

Ship inside speaker: "Alert, Alert failsafe detected, Restarting."
"That doesnt sound good, I have to hurry!" I whispered and ran towards a room called 'Cryopods' and entered.
Speakers: "Alert, Alert, Restarting units"

I would turn on my flashlight that was on my helmet " What did they keep here.." i walked to one of the Cryopods and opened it "What the?!"
"Ugh.. Where am i?" Said the person "A Clone commando to save me? Wow, Commando Bring me to coruscant i need to talk to the jedi council." I was stunned seeing him still... young... "Are you okay Commando?" "Uhh, Kix you have no idea what happend?" I responed "What do you mean?" Kix gave for a response. I would take off my helmet.
"Y-you're old?!" "Its been 50 years since the fall of the jedi." "WHAT?!" I put my helmet on "I'll explain on the way back." "Wait, Where is my helmet?" "I have no idea."

We would arrive at the base. "This still has power?" Kix said. " Yeah, it generates more everyday like it used to be." "Cool." The doors would open and two armed rebels came out to cover and check who it is.

Rebel #1: "Another clone?"
Rebel #2: "Looks like it."
Kyle: "Comn guys cut it."
Kix: "These are resistance fighters?"
Kyle: "Jep."

We would be in the hangar and we aproached Leia who was standing there.

Leia: "Another clone? He is young for one in this time."
Kyle: "This is KIX, he is/was a medic in the 501st."
Kix would look around to him everything is new, execpt the base ofcourse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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