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9 months later of the battle of yavin
They found me under some huge rocks..i was trapped that whole time
"General Skywalker, i've found the commando" said a rebel "i can feel him, his alive" said luke. As soon they got me out i ran, to the dinner room..when i was done with eating i wanted to know where Saturn went.
"Where is Saturn?!?!" I asked quick
"She is delivering the twins" said luke
"I-i-i Where?!" I asked again " Follow me Kyle" "Alright Luke" When we arrived in the room. The twins (girls) were already there..that moment i knew and i said.."I'm ready to be a father"
Saturn nodded "the names are Lizzy..and you can choose the other name" "ha thats not even a name" i joked around "Lizzy and uhh.. Lavender" i said...  


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