Gettin' Old

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I walked to my armory and dusted off some old friends, not really friends but they a reminder of what i was,
My DC -17M and my DC-17 blaster pistol. I grabbed some charges too.
(( Other word For Ammo ))
Lizzy said to me "Dad? What are you doing?" I didnt respond and dusted my armor and put it on after i putted my Jumpsuit on. (( Is Jumpsuit the right word? ))
The AI in my helmet that i've installed said "Welcome Back RC-1414."
Lizzy looked at me "Dad.." i would talk back "Sorry Liz, i've got to do this. You are strong." "Dad.. Take this, As a reminder." Lizzy gave me her symbol and from her twin. "Thank my dear." Lizzy smiled "Now, Go on." She started to say something i've told her "Crush them, Make them suffer!" Id laugh "Haha! Good one." And so i took an gunship from the old base

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