Brothers and Sisters

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*this is fanmade so there are female clones if you didnt know i used a female clone long ago*  *and 0XxStarynightxX0 char is in it*

"Let's go!! For the Rebellion!" Yelled General Organa. On that moment i froze, i was standing there in the middle of the battle and Remembering the clone wars
I rememberd all the brothers and sister fighting.

(Time skip)

"I'm sorry general..i don't know what happend to me" i said "Dont worry, You're a clone and you remember thing from the past That doenst matter." " It does matter Gener-- " then i stopped and noticed another clone and i walked to the clone
"Hey.. Whats Your name and number?' I asked. She turned and said "CT - 8790 aka Primrose Why do you ask? Wait You're a clone to??! What ur number and name?" She aksed "RC - 1414 aka Kyle" i answered " Wait You're a Republic Commando?! "

(*bye the end but there is coming more*)

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