Nearing the end

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I arrived in a battle between The remaining Resistance and The First Order.

4 Heavily upgraded AT-AT's and some Non-Upgraded ones. There was some kind of cannon in the middle and a Shuttle monitoring the battle.

Sortly after i saw two TIE-FIGHTERS nearing me, They had the order to shoot my LAAT gunship down, With my rusty air battle skills i got hit.

Going down from out the air crashing near the gaint closing blastdoor.
I grabbed myself up and would kick open the cockpit.

I was under fire by those stormtroopers, i quickly climbed and ran inside before it would close.

The resistance soldiers fired towards me thinking i was a Special Stormtrooper.. i yelled " Hold your fire! " " Are you going awol? " Responded Poe Dameron " No! " " Are you surrendering? "

" What? No i am not surrendering. " i said. 2x " I (He) is a Clone commando, i (He) Served in the Rebelion " said Leia and I together.

Poe Said " Clone commando? THE clone commando?! "
"Yes." I came out cover "I am so sorry sir, i thought clones are dead, in these times."
I would give him a death stare " Is he giving me a death stare? " said Poe
Leia and i 2X " Yes, He ( I ) is (Am) ."

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