2. Cityof Angels

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"Maybe its the way she walked..."

Slowly I opened my eyes, adjusting to the light coming in from the window. As I stared up at the ceiling, I let out a rather loud sigh. Here we go again. Sitting up in my bed, I glanced around the room that was now empty, and packed away into 5 boxes. We were moving for the 2nd time this year.

I reached down beside me bed to pick up phone. My bedside table had already been put on a moving truck, so my phone was just laying on the floor plugged in. Turning off my alarm off, (which was the Best Song Ever because it was by the best band ever), I scrolled through my notifications. Wait of course I don't have any notifications, I don't have any friends remember.

Pulling my small blanket off my body, I got out of bed and stretched my arms. I reached down and pulled my bunny slippers from under my bed; yes I do own bunny slippers. Slipping them on, I made my way over to the door. When I opened the door, I saw my mom and my dad already carrying boxes down the stairs.

"Morning sweetie!" My mom smiled when she saw me come out.

"Morning," I replied, "Why are you bringing boxes down already? Its only 8 am."

"We have to get an early start, don't want to miss our flight right?" My dad winked at me as he continued to walk down the stairs.

"Yea I guess" I mumbled to myself.

I went to the bathroom, and was welcomed by the horrific monster in the mirror. Which was me. Letting out a groan, I started tugging a brush through my hair as an attempt to tame it. Once I was satisfied enough, I got out my tooth brush and tooth paste, which I left unpacked knowing I would need it in the morning. After doing my morning routine, I decided I looked decent enough. Not perfect. Not beautiful. Just decent. But hey I was gonna be on a plane for 6 hours so what did it matter.

Going back to my room, I picked up the clothing I had left out for today. It was a floral skirt, and a Los Angeles t-shirt. I also left out a sweater, because I knew it was going to be hot when we landed, but airplanes are FREEZING! Changing out of my pajamas and into my outfit, I threw my pajamas in a random box. I didn't really care what box they went in, just as long as they were coming with me.

Turing around, I glanced one more time around my room. Even though I'm good with goodbyes, they still sting a little.


Two hours later and we were finally ready to leave. All of the boxes were in a truck that would meet us at our new house, and me, my mom, and my dad we're on our way to the airport.

"Sweetie, I know this is hard for you, but don't worry! We'll have a lot of fun at our new home!" My mom smiled, turning in her seat to look at me.

"Don't worry mom, I know." I smiled back.

We got to the airport, checked our bags, and went through security and all that.

We had about an hour before our plane took off, so I went to a store to get a snack and a few magazines. I walked into the closest store I could find, and grabbed a bag of M&M's (which we're my favoritest snack in the whole wide world), and a Seventeen magazine. As I got in line to check out, I noticed a rather cute guy was in front of me. He looked about my age, and had blonde hair, a lip ring, and couple tattoos on his arms. I don't normally have crushes, but this guy was hot.

"Thats a really good book" I gestured to the one he was holding in his hands. He turned to look at me. God damn he had beautiful eyes. He gave me a crooked smile.

"Oh yea, you've read it?" He asked. I gave a light nod.

"Yea its one of my all time favorite books"

"Okay then, if I end up not liking it, I'm gonna blame you." He teased, "Im Luke" He stuck out his hand.

I shook it "Lily"

Oh god his hands were so soft. And big.

"So Lily, can I get your number?"

"Sure," I felt my cheeks getting hotter.. Just then I remembered my plane was going to board soon, and I started panicking.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry but I'm going to miss my flight! We'll have to leave it up to fate if we meet again!" I yelled running away and back towards my gate. I saw my mom standing next to dad waving at me, and I quickly rushed over to them.

"Where have you been? We're about to board!" My mother quickly questioned me.

"Sorry I got caught up" I apologized.

"I thought you said you were gonna get magazines?"

I then quickly remembered I had rushed out of the store, not even buying what I wanted.

"They didn't have anything good" The lie suddenly came out of my mouth.

All of a sudden a loud speaker comes on and a woman says, "Flight 5202 to Los Angeles is now boarding."

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