5. Little Black Dress

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Halfway through the night, Alexa was already full out drunk. Past the point of no return. I've never actually drank alcohol before, I mean besides having a few sips of my parents wine here and there. But besides that never. 

At the moment I was watching Alexa down another shot; probably her tenth. 

"C'mon Lila, stop being soo borrinngggg" Alexa put a hand on my shoulder, slurring her words. 

"My name is Lily, and someone has to be sober enough to drive tonight. And its certainly not gonna be you." I brushed her hand off my shoulder.  Alexa picked up one of her shots and stuck it right in my face. 

"Just one? Pleaseeeee" She looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. I sighed, grabbing the shot from her.

"If I drink it, will you stop bugging me?" 

She crossed he heart, "I promise" 

Rolling my eyes, I quickly downed the shot without giving time to think about it. BIG mistake. An hour later, I was just as drunk as Alexa. Maybe even more to be honest. Shot after shot, I couldn't seem to stop. 

"So are you having fun now?" Alexa smirked at me, moving her hips to the rythm. 

"I LOVE L.A.!" I screamed at the people surrounding me, earning a few cheers. 

Then the song Little Black Dress came on. (A/N: I know they probably wouldn't play this song in a club but just pretend okay?)

"Oh my god I love this song!!!" I pulled Alexa to the middle of the dance floor, and we began letting loose. I'm not sure if our dancing was actually good, but a crowd seemed to form around us. Everyone began cheering on me and Alexa, and handing us more and more shots. 

The whole time though, I felt a pair of eyes uncomfortably watching me. 

The song ended and we decided it was time to leave. 

"Shit Alexa how- how are we gonna get home?' I hiccuped knowing we both we're too drunk to drive. I turned around to find Alexa passed out on the concrete of the parking lot. Great. 

"Ugh come on Alexa" I tried to bring her up.

"No its beddy time" She mumbled pushing me away from her. What the hell was I going to do. 

"Need a ride?" A deep voice spoke behind me. 

I spun around. Another big mistake of the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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