Chapter 22

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I'm at Wal-mart. I'm in the baby section. I have already picked out a nice car seat for Sebastian. I'm getting some diapers, wipes, onesies, diaper rash cream, and anything and everything that I think Sebastian will need to take care of this baby. I'm stocking up on enough stuff to last him at least a month. He can consider this as a gift for the baby.

Soon enough, I'm in the line checking out. "This sure is a lot of baby stuff." The cashier remarks. "Yeah, it is." I mumble. I don't really want to get into a conversation with a stranger about the current situation that I am in. I put everything into the buggy after she bags it all up. The total amount isn't as bad as I thought it would be. "Thank you. Have a nice day." I tell her as I leave. She smiles at me. "You too, sweetie."

When I get back to the hospital, I park my car. I get out and I hook the car seat up in the back seat. Everything else that I got for the baby I stuffed into the trunk. I,also, got one of those things to stick on the window so the sun won't shine in the baby's face.

After, I have gotten all the stuff situated in the car. I grab one of the onesies that I bought. Sebastian may need this to wear when we take him with us. The onesie is blue with a little monkey on the front.

I walk back inside the hospital. Once I get to the floor where Bryce is, I spot him and Sebastian immediately. They are sitting in the waiting room. Bryce has Sebastian all bundled up in his arms. I hold the onesie up in the air. "I have a onesie for him to wear."

Bryce grins. "What would I do without you?"

"Um, should I answer that question honestly?" I laugh. I'm just messing with him and he knows it.

He takes the onesie from me and immediately begins to put it on Sebastian.

"So, have you signed all the papers and everything?" I ask.

"Yes. I even signed the paper giving him his name. " He bundles Sebastian back up in the blanket after putting his onesie on.

"Does that mean that you are free to go with him now?" I ask, stepping from one foot to the other.

"Yes. He is free to go with me now." He breathes out.

Wow. That sure was easy. It's crazy how easy it was for Gabriella to pull this off.

"Well, I already hooked up the car seat." I inform him.

Bryce gets up from his seat, while still holding the baby. That's when I notice a plastic bag full of what I'm sure is diapers and formula. And, yes, I did remember to get some formula at Wal-mart, as well. I grab the plastic bag. "Don't worry about it. I got it." I point to the bag in my hands.

Bryce smiles at me. We make our way to the elevator. When we get to the car, I unlock it, and Bryce just looks at me for a moment, with a confused look on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't really know how to put a baby in a car seat..."

I roll my eyes. Of course he doesn't. "Give me the baby."

He gives me the baby and I put him in his car seat with no problem. When I look up Sebastian is staring at me with.....amazement in his eyes?

"You might want to sit in the back seat with the baby in case he cries and needs some formula." I tell him. He nods and gets into the backseat.

I start driving us back to the motel. We really shouldn't be traveling around Los Angeles like we are on a vacation with an infant. "Bryce?"

He looks up at me. I look at him through the rear view mirror. "Yes?"

"I think it would be best if we just grab our stuff from the hotel and start heading back home to Alabama. You really need to get everything at your place settled for the baby." I tell him.

I look back at the road. He doesn't say anything for a while.

"I think you are right." He finally says.

Two Hours Later

Bryce managed to get all of our belongings back into my vehicle while I watched baby Sebastian. And now, we are on the road again. I changed Sebastian's diaper and fed him a bottle before we hit the road. We have been on the road for about twenty minutes now and like clockwork both of the boys are asleep in the back seat while I'm driving. What in the world is Xander going to think when he hears about all of this?

 What in the world is Xander going to think when he hears about all of this?

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Hello lovely people. I promise to update as much and as soon as possible. What do you think is going to happen next? How do you think Xander will react?

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