Invasion Starts!

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Your surrounded by 10 Obelisk Force members and your friends are not with you.

Obelisk Force 1: So you are that guy that troubles us.We have direct order from professor to card you and we can do that since your outnumbered.

Y/N: Now matter how many of you come after me.I'll destroy all off you and some day take revenge for what you did.

You all activated your duel disks.

Few moments later you defeated 9 of them,but the remaining one was just about to end his turn.He has 3000 Life points,monster with 3000 Attack points and you have no cards on your field or in your hand.

Obelisk Force 10: Finally,the moment has come to defeat you and card you once and for all.I end my turn.

Y/N: Just you dream.

You raise your right hand and it start shining yellow.

Y/N: A true powerful duelist can change the outcome of a duel.He can even generate the very cards that he needs to draw!Go,Shining Draw!

Obelisk Force 10: You'll not beat me with single card.

Y/N: Of course I will!I activate Rank-Up Magic Number Force!I can only activate this card when I draw it in draw phase.I special summon one Number Xyz monster from my Extra Deck.I summon Number 73: Abyss Splash!

Number 73: Abyss Splash

2400 ATK

Obelisk force 10: But,it's still weaker than my monster.

Y/N: Now with the effect of number force I can turn my number xyz monster into a chaos xyz monster that's one rank higher.So I rebuild an overlay network with Abyss Splash!Rise and show our foes your true power.Go Chaos Xyz Evolution.Appear,Chaos Number 73: Abyss Supra Splash!

Appear,Chaos Number 73: Abyss Supra Splash!

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Y/N: Now go attack his monster!

Obelisk force 10: But they have the same attack points.

Y/N: I activate my number's effect.When it battles an opponent monster by using one overlay unit my monster gain your monster attack points!

Number C73: Abyss Supra Splash

3000>>>6000 ATK

Now go destroy his monster.Oceanic Destruction!

Obelisk Force 10:

3000>>>>0 LP

You defeated your last opponent and they all disappeared.Then you found Shay and Yuto.

Yuto: Hey Y/N,are you ok!

Y/N: Yes,I'm fine.Where's Lulu.

Kurosaki: I don't know.She suddenly disappeared.We need to find her immediately before someone from Fusion Dimension finds here.


Yuto: Wait a minute!I'm getting readings from my duel disk.It's her,but it seems she's in Standard Dimension right now.

Shun: What!

Y/N: How?

Yuto: I don't know,but we must go there and find her.

Then you 3 teleported to Standard and you got separated from Shay and Yuto.

Y/N: Great.I'm alone in the place I don't even know.I must be prepared for anything.Maybe around here are duelists from Fusion Dimension.

You started walking and few moments ago you found Shay defeating 3 young people in a duel.

Y/N: Hey Shay,what happened here.

Shay: Well you see I found about LDS Corporation that teaches people Fusion,Synchro and Xyz summoning methos and the president of it is Reiji Akaba,professor's son.

Y/N: I see.If we capture him we can negotiate with professor to stop this invasion and find Lulu.

Then a tall man with red glasses comes to you two.

????:  It would be god that my farther care of me the way you described.

Shay: That's him!

Reiji: Calm down.I'm not your enemy.I'm not in any relation with my father.I'm planning to assemble group of duelist and stop Leo Akaba's intentions once and for all.

Shay: I don't believe you!

Y/N: Wait a second Shay.Reiji,I challenge you to a duel.If you win we'll join forces with you.I can make my answers easily thought duels.

Reiji: Very well,I accept then.

Shay: Ok,Y/N let it be your way.

Y/N: Thanks.

You and Reiji activated your duel disks.

Both: Let's duel!

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now