Y/N vs Master of Faster!

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Roger: Long time no seen Y/N?

Y/N: I was hopping to never see you again Roger.

Lulu: You know him?

Y/N: Yes,I first saw him back in Heartland City.He was from Duel Academy and he wanted my help to take down Fusion Dimension,but I didn't trust him.

Roger: After that I went to this Dimension and my quest here is to rule this city.You made you mistake when you didn't trust me.Now hand me over the girl,the professor wants her and I'll keep her safe here.

Y/N: No way I'm doing that.I don't trust you even now.You could send here to that horrible place again and I won't let that happen.

Lulu: Y/N.

Roger: Then how about a duel?I chose the duelist you'll face,and If you win you keep the girl,but if he wins I'll take here.

Y/N: Since I won't lose I shall accept.

Roger: We'll see about that.You'll be dueling this city best duelist.Master of Faster,Jack Atlas.

He then leaves and let guards escort you to duel arena.After a few moments you got there and meet all you friends.

Yuya: Hey Y/N it's good to see you again.I heard you are dueling in exhibition match of this Friendship Cup.

Reiji: Be careful this duel will be on motorcycles called duel runners and you'll be dueling the best duelist around here.

Y/N: Card games on motorcycles?Interesting.And don't worry about the duel.

Then you went to change into blue duel suit.You hear TV go off saying who's dueling in the first round.

Announcer: Ok people.I hope your all excited for the first round because Jack Atlas will be dueling Y/N L/N.

Then you heard transmission coming from your ear piece.

Roger: Now Y/N.If you lose this duel I'll send you and that girl underground to pick up trash for the rest of you life.

Y/N: You little!I never agreed for that!

Roger: You never had to.Buy,for now.

Y/N: This guy is really getting on my nerves.I'll win this duel no matter what and make sure that doesn't happen.

You head down to duel arena and see your duel runner.

You head down to duel arena and see your duel runner

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Y/N: Wow.Nice duel runner.

You drive it onto the course waiting for your opponent.You start to hear music as Jack Atlas makes a dramatic entrance on his duel runner.

Jack: Your ready to be beaten.

Y/N: We'll see about that.

Announcer: Now get set. 3,2,1 go!

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now