Final Act!

3.9K 30 5

Reiji: Congratulations Y/N.You defeated me.

Y/N: That was a great duel Reiji,and now..

Then Yuya entered in stadium and walks towards you.

Yuya: Hey Y/N,let's duel.I want to show you the power of my dragons.

Y/N: Alright Yuya.In this duel I will show you the power of my strongest Numbers.I hope your ready.

Yuya: I sure am.

Both of you activated your duel disks.

Both: Let's duel!


4000 LP


4000 LP

Yuya: I'll go first.I summon Performapal Duck Dealer from my hand!

Performapal Duck Dealer

100 ATK

Yuya: And since he's on the field I can automatically summon Performapal Card Canard to take the air.

Performapal Card Canard

800 ATK

Yuya: Then Performapal Duck Dealer allows me to draw a card,and right away I activate Pendulum Card Burst!By using this spell we'll say goodbye to my 2 monsters and I can draw 2 more cards.I set the Pendulum Scale with scale 3 Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer and Scale 10 Performapal Ignition Eagle.I'm taking control of this duel starting now!I'm allowed to summon monsters from level 4 to 9 all at the same time.

Y/N: Here it comes.

Yuya: Swing far Pendulum,carve the ARC of victory.My monsters are ready to swing into action!Turn up the heat Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! If you can't solve it dissolve it Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver! Spin and win Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron! And from my Extra Deck revive Performapal Duck Dealer and Performapal Card Canard!

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

2500 ATK

Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver

2800 ATK

Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron

200 ATK

Performapal Duck Dealer

100 ATK

Performapal Card Canard

800 ATK

Astral: He instantly summoned 5 monster.And when his monsters leaves field they go to Extra Deck and can be revived by same way.

Y/N: I think I know what's coming next.Yuya,summon your remaining dragons.

Yuya: You asked for it.I activate Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolve's ability!I fuse it with  Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer that's in my Pendulum zone to bring out the diabolical potenical! I Fusion Summon! The veracious venomous Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon

2800 ATK

Yuya: But why stop at 2 dragons when I can summon a third.I use Performapal Ignition Eagle and my Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron to Synchro summon! Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

2500 ATK

Yuya: Finally I overlay Duck Dealer and Card Canard to build an overlay network! Cloaked in shadows and relentless in it's objective I call upon the most dangerous of dragons! I Xyz Summon! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!

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