Duel of Titans!

3K 22 4

Both: Let's duel!

(Start music)


4000 LP


4000 LP

Y/N: I prepared something special for you Reiji.First I activate a spell Fateful Gift.I special summon one monster from my hand to your field and I can draw 2 card.I select Gogogo Golem.

Gogogo Golem

1800 ATK

Y/N: And by the way if one of the cards draw is spell my monster will return to my hand when this turn ends.

You draw 2 cards.

Y/N: Perfect.One of them is the spell called Parallel Unit!This card copies one of your monsters so I have Gogogo Golem of my own.Next I shall activate Solid Overlay.This spell substitute when I Xyz summon.

Yuya: This should be interesting.

Y/N: With this 2 monsters I build an overlay network!I Xyz summon!Rise,Number 39 Utopia!

Number 39: Utopia

2500 ATK

While watching this duel Astral remembered that he played that exactly move in his final duel with Y/N.Except part of giving opponent a monster.

Astral: Could this be?

Reiji: Is that all?

Y/N: Far from it.I activate Double Rank-Up Magic Utopia Force!I shall utilize Utopia's ability to it's fullest.With this spell I Xyz summon 2 monster that are higher rank than Utopia,and then 2 Utopia units are divided among them.

Two overlay networks appeared above you.

Y/N: First on my field is Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray Victory!

Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory

2800 ATK

Y/N: Followed by Number 39: Utopia Beyond!

Number 39: Utopia Beyond

3000 ATK

Reiji: Not bad.

Astral and everyone from Heartland City were all surprised.

Yuzu: Guys.I admit that move is good,but I think not enough for you to me amazed so much.

Lulu: You see Astral played the same move in his last duel against Y/N.

Astral: And Y/N have much more in store this turn.

Yuya: Really?

Y/N: Of course I have.I activate Rank-Up Magic Dark Force!

Reiji: Another one?

Y/N: With it If I have at least 2 Xyz monsters with different Ranks I can send one with the lowest rank to graveyard to summon 2 new Xyz monsters with even higher ranks!Utopia,make way for Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray V!

Number C39 Utopia Ray V

2600 ATK

Y/N: And Number 25: Force Focus!

Y/N: And Number 25: Force Focus!

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