Saving the Universe!

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After Lulu disappeared all other Lancers found you and Shay woke up.

Shay: Y/N,what happened here?Where's Lulu?

Y/N: I managed to defeat her,but when duel ended she was teleported to different place and now Number 96 is free.

Shay: What?!

Reiji: I know where she is and the rest of the girls.They are in professor's headquarters.

Y/N: Then let's go!

Everyone agreed and make your way to Professor's castle.You found where his headquarters are located and you bust in and you saw Professor sitting on his throne.

Professor: So,your finally here.

Y/N: What did you do to Lulu?!!Where is she?!!

Professor: If you must know.

Then behind him 4 tubes appeared containing Yuzu,Selena,Rin and Lulu.

Yuzu: Yuya!!

Yuya: Yuzu!Let her go right now!

Selena: Professor,you better let us go.

Rin: Why am I trapped here?!

Lulu: Y/N,please help me.

Y/N: You better release her professor!

Then older guy appeared next to Professor.

Y/N: Who are you?

Doctor: I'm Doctor.The great scientist of duel academy who invented the great parasite.

Y/N: You put parasite inside Lulu.I'll make you pay!!

Doctor: Professor,let me take care of this weak bugs.

Professor: You fool!You cannot defeat them.You'll nor repeat my mistakes so I have no other choice.

With his duel disk Professor turned him into a card.

Professor: Now I'll tell why I was doing what I did until this point.

He explains everything about Zarc and Ray.Everyone look in shock including you.

Y/N,Yuya,Reiji,Yuzu,Selena,Rin,Lulu: That is impossible!!

Professor: I'm afraid it's true.

He slap his fingers and Arc-V Reactor appeared behind him.

Y/N: These green lights.They are people from my world who you turned into cards for your selfish reasons!!

Professor: That was the only way and with this reactor these 4 girls will combine into my daughter Ray.

Y/N: No,I won't let that happen.Your way require hurting people and besides I won't just sit here and watch how Lulu disappears!

Lulu: Y/N.

Reiji: Y/N,me and Yuya will duel Professor and you free girls.

Y/N: Okay then.

Yuya and Reiji started dueling professor.

Y/N: Utopia,I need your help!

You summoned Utopia and it freed all 4 girls.

Y/N: Are you okay!

Lulu then hugged you and kissed you on the lips.

Lulu: Y/N,I would have been lost without you.

Y/N: Don't worry Lulu,this will all end soon.

Then Yuri appeared.

Yuri: I hopped I'm not to late for the party.Now Yuya I already absorbed Yugo and now I'll absorb you and we will become one!

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now