Assembling the Team!

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After you defeated Selena you calmed down a little.

In you head: Maybe I went to far.But,she asked for that.

She got up and was just to say something but someone throw smoke bomb and you couldn't see anything.When smoke vanished she along with Yuzu vanished as well.

Y/N: Great.What now?

Then you see a few Obelisk Force members walking towards you.

Y/N: These losers again.I don't have time for this.

As soon as you said that a few older guys showed up and started to duel Obelisk Force.

????: We are the finalist of Senior Championship send here from president Reiji Akaba to take care of these guys.You go where you need to.

Y/N: Ok then.

In your head: Surely they'll send more people here.I must find her before them.

You started running and after a while you found yourself in the Ice field.You climb on a near building to have a better view.Then you saw some guy who looks like Yuto chasing Lulu.

Lulu: Leave me alone!

Yuri: We can do this easy way, or the hard way.I prefer the hard way.

Y/N: Good,because you'll get one!

Yuri: Huh?

You jump from the building an stood between them.

Lulu: Y/N!

Y/N: Lulu,I finally found you.It's ok now!

Yuri: Well,well look what we have here.I need her because the Professor ordered me so.So buzz out or-

Y/N: We duel to settle this!

Yuri: I guess I can play with you little.

Y/N: We'll see about that!

But as soon as you activated your duel disk Yuri suddenly vanished.You hug Lulu.

Y/N: It's ok now.What happened with you?

Lulu: Well.He was chasing me back in Heartland city,my bracelet started glowing and I somehow got here,and first thing I saw was him chasing me and talking to take be to Duel Academy.

Y/N: You'll be safe with me now,and I guess we won't see him in near future.

Lulu: Where are Shay and Yuto?

Y/N: Well,when we heard your here we got here too,but I and your brother were separated from Yuto.We can find him now.

Lulu: Then,let's go.

You two started walking and soon you were back in Volcanic Field, but saw 3 obelisk force members dueling Shay and a few other duelist including Selena.

Y/N: Hey Shay!

Shay: Y/N you found Lulu!

Y/N: Of course.Wait,why are you on our side now?

You point at Selena.

Selena: Sorry for that last duel.I learned from Yuzu Academia's true intentions.I'll fight against it.

Obelisk Force 1: You won't be fighting against anyone once we capture you.

Y/N: Shay,I'm a little disappointed at you.How many of you are needed to take these out.

Shay: Man,I didn't have one turn.

Y/N: Time for me again to save the day.Lulu stay by my side.

Lulu: Ok.

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now