Numbers vs Timelords!

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You won the duel and you walk to Arlan.

Y/N: That was really interested duel.We could try it again one day.

Arlan: Yeah,so you trust me now?

Y/N: Totally.

You two shake hands and you walk to other lancers.

Y/N: I suggest we now go to Fusion Dimension before Duel Academia takes first move.

Reiji: I agree.We should strike first.

Arlan: Me Gloria and Grace will stay here to help people and we'll join you later.

Y/N: Okay then.This is it guys let's finish this once and for all.

Everyone agreed and you all except Arlan,Grace and Gloria get teleported to Fusion Dimension but when you arrived you were at some docks and with you was only Lulu.

Lulu: So we got separated from others.

Y/N: I guess,but we must be careful around here.

You saw Yuri defeating some duelist and turning them into cards.Lulu trembles in fear.

Lulu: Oh no,it's him

Y/N: Don't worry Lulu.He'll pay for what he did.

Yuri: Well well well.It's Y/N and Lulu.Now I can finally take you to professor.

Y/N: You'll have to beat me first which won't happen.

Yuri: We shall see.

Y/N: Yes we shall.

You both activated your duel disks.

Both: Let's duel!


4000 LP


4000 LP

Y/N: I'll take the first move.I-

You were interrupted by some guy on motorcycle.

Yugo: Finally I found you punk!

Then Lulu's bracelet started to shine and both Yugo and Yuri disappears.

Y/N: What was that?

Lulu: I honestly don't know.

Y/N: No matter.We are together and that's important.

You hug each other but then you saw a girl with long blond hair and Academia uniform walking towards you.

Y/N: Don't tell me your with Duel Academy send here to defeat us?

Alexis: No my name is Alexis and I once was in duel academy,but I learned truth about what we did in Xyz.

Y/N: That's a relief.I'm Y/N and this is Lulu.We're from Xyz Dimension.

Alexis: Down below there is a group of duelists and we'll invade Duel Academy soon.We could really use your help.

Lulu: Of course we''ll help.

Alexis: Great follow me then.

She lead you to hidden place underground.

Y/N: This is really secret hideout.They can't find you easily down here.

Alexis: Yeah.

She then lead you to 2 man.You recognize one of them but didn't know other.

Y/N: It can't be.Sakaki Yusho?

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now