Battle Royale Begins!

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Next morning you and Shay were preparing for the tournament.

Y/N: Okay, you know the plan. When the tournament start we separate, try to find Lulu and Yuto and beat anyone who gets in our way.

Shay: That's right.

Then you went to duel stadium and all other were waiting to begin.

Nico: Now the moment has come.Time to activate 4 action fields across the city.Volcanic Field, Ice Field, Ancient Ruins and the Jungle.You all have  6 hours.Now begin.

They all started running except of you and Shay.

Shay: I'm going to Ancient Ruins.See you later.

YN: Then mine is Volcanic field.

You went to Volcanic field and soon find a girl with pink hair that looks exactly like Lulu.

In your head: Why does she resemble her so much,but I know it's not her because Lulu would never change her hairstyle.

Yuzu: Are you by any chance participant of Arc League Championship.

Y/N: I'm.So I'm guessing you want to duel me.

Yuzu: Yes.

Y/N: Then we shall duel.And by the way do not take your loss too much when I'm done.

Yuzu: That won't be happening because I ain't losing.

In your head: She even has the same attitude as her.Maybe this will be interesting.

You both activated your duel duel disk.

Both: Let's duel!


4000 LP


4000 LP

Yuzu: I'll go first.I activate Polymerization!

When you saw that your face immediately turns to rage.

Yuzu: With it I'll fuse Aria The Melodious Diva with Canon the Melodious Diva.Echoing melodious voice, flowing melody! Guided by the baton,gather your power!I Fusion summon! Schuberta the Melodious Maestra!

Schuberta the Melodious Maestra

2400 ATK

Y/N: Fusion!!

Yuzu: What's wrong.

Y/N: Fusion users from Duel Academy destroyed our town turning duelists and innocent people into cards.

Yuzu: No.Are you by any chance friend of Yuto?

Y/N: You know about Yuto?!

Yuzu: Yes,he was thinking that I'm some girl named Lulu.

Y/N: We came here with our friend Shay to find Lulu before these Duel Academia's scums,but as soon as we got there we were separated from Yuto.Do you know where is he now?

Yuzu: Unfortunately no.But please trust me, I'm using Fusion summoning to help my friends not to harm people.

In your head: That look in her eyes.She's serious.

Y/N: I admire that.

In Yuzu's head: Yuto said the same thing to me.

Y/N: Ok,no hard feelings for now on.Let's just duel.

Yuzu: I totally agree.I activate Shuberta's special abillity.I banish up to 3 cards from my graveyard and she gains 300 attack points for each one.So I banish my 2 Melodious monsters and Polymerization which means she gains 900 power boost.

Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V! Lulu x Male reader story.Where stories live. Discover now