Welcome Home

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Another tiresome day at work. Guren really gives no break today...

I mean, I know we're busy because the godforsaken Hiragi going to pay a visit, but hell, even Mika can't cover all our asses. Not even the so-called-Hiragi-princes A.K.A the queen of troll, Shinoa, can slack off today. So of course, neither do I.

It's already 9 pm right now, and all I want to do is to lay down the bed and maybe go for a bath with hot water. That would be nice....

As I push the bell to my home, I heard his little footstep rushing excitedly, and then his child-like voice shout out when the door opens.

"Welcome home, Yuu-chan!" He greeted me with such high-spirited smile, even his little fangs shown. His right red eyes sharply wide open while his other eyes always covered due to his hairstyle, covered by his beautiful long, wavy lavender hair. His somewhat childlike image fits with his plain simple white shirt and black shorts, and oh, the red collar too.

"Good evening, Asura~" I pat on his head. He's Asuramaru, or just Asura. He's.... Not human for sure, obviously, seen from his cat ear and tails.

I seen vampires and demons before, very often in fact, because that's the kind of things that you deal with when you work with those like Guren. However Asuramaru are not them. I heard about supernatural being that inherit animalistic feature such as werewolf or kitsune, but Asura instead inherit trait of cats. He's a being known as nekomata, or we just call him neko for short. He kept on following me ever since a certain vampire hunting mission. He think I saved him and he owe me his life. Guren said it's not healthy to live with kitsune or neko, because they affect our spiritual quality, but I could care less. All I know is that he's my dear beloved kitty that's now part of my family, and he seems to grow really attached to me too.

We meet three years ago, and he never changes much ever since. Despite said that they can range from hundreds to thousands years old, Asura retain the appearance or an adolescent boy, with slender frame, feminine whole body, and really small. Shinoa called him "smol fuckboi" whenever I show him to my squad, because she never want to miss a chance to troll. Her teasing is annoying, but I admit she's right when she says that we do already looks like a couple.

....Beside, we DO already did what couples did. I never care about if this a forbidden relationship, as long as he is happy with me, and I am happy with him.

"So, how's work today?" He follows me, skipping footsteps playfully, tails waging. I can clearly see he's in frisky mood.

"Well.... Busy and tired. Guren being a dickbutt again, and we're all exhausted. I just wanna go to bath and sleep." I said as I remove my shoes and loosened my clothing. Asura then cling to my hand, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Hey Yuu-chan, if you're all stiff, I can offer you a massage~" His tone sounds more than just playful. Oh I know what he's talking about.

"That would be great, UNLESS if you're asking for us to "play" again. I'm too tired."

"Awww come on! I'll make you feel good, I promise!" He clutch my arms tighter.

"But we already played yesterday..."

"That's just ten minutes oral of me sucking you! Come on, play with me for real!" He blocks my road with his arms holding on his small hips. I just brush my hair and try to get a reason to convince him.

"Ahaha.... M-maybe later on the night. We'll see."

"Promise?" He put a pressure, leaning closer.

"Nngh.... Cannot say pr-"

"Yuu-chan!" He pouted as he cut off my sentence.

I just sigh and look around. Alright, fine. If this can makes him happy....

"Promise. But if I fall asleep, don't blame me."

"Yay!" He hugs me, purring, his tail wagging. I accept him with stroking his head.

He's surprisingly nice today. Usually he can be rather distant, more calm, often tease me and sometimes even sarcastic. When he shows his affection, that is either when he's truly in tender soft lovely mood, or he's in high sexual drive and getting flirty naughty.

Taking off all my clothes, I go to the bathtub that already been filled with warm water. I let myself sink and let it soothe my cluttered mind. Ahh.... This is so relaxing, like a meditation. I want to stay in this peaceful warmth for fifteen more minutes....

Then the tranquility disturbed by the door slammed open, startling me. When I turn left, I see Asura already all naked with only a white towel, walking in to me.

"Yuu, wanna bath together?" I can hear a soft purr behind his voice as he bend down, showcasing his youthful beauty.

"I... Uhh.... Sure, but don't do anything rough. I just want to relax my aching muscles." I don't want to reject his offer, especially since I don't mind a company.

"Great, now excuse me~" He step in and positioned himself on top of me, then he lie down above me. I swear to god, to whatever seraph watch over us.... His sleek feminine body, if seen from his back to bottom, is indistinguishable from a teenage girl. I mean, he's smaller than Shinoa, so that makes it worse. Sometimes I forgot that he's older than me, and he's just.... Didn't physically aged, remain at ideal, youthful beauty for eternity. Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that I can love someone as desirable as him.

.....Oh dammit, not even two minute and imagining him already turned me on.

"Yuu? Did you get hard already?" He look at me with a mischievous smile. I look away, flustered. Don't blame me! You're the one being fucking irresistible!

"S-shut up. It can't be helped..." I answered coldly, and he giggled.

"I want to help you with that, but I guess you just want to rest for now, right?"

"Y-yeah.... I hope you don't mind the little boner below tho."

"Of course I'll not mind. On the other way around...." He speak as he lie back down, holding me to my neck, while his hips intentionally rubbing on my member. Oh he need to stop teasing me so much.

"...It's so cute. I love cuddling with you in such intimate way. Don't you like having your cock touching on my soft skin like this?" He lie on top of my dick, pressing it while he snuggle on me.

"....Yeah, but don't do too much. I don't want to came here."

"Sure, sure~ I prefer if you let it out inside of me anyway~" He continue to rest on me, still holding on my neck, while his face lie down on my chest.

Ten minutes of the rather arousing bath session, then we're done. We dry ourselves and simply go out from the bathroom with just a towel. It's too hasle to even wear the clothes again when we'll took it off soon.

"Hey, Yuu-chan. You suppose to carry your kitty to bed." He pull off my hands with a teasing smile, his tail wagging. How much spoiled he is, already?

In response, I lift him up and carry him bridal style. "You're being such a spoiled cat today. Are you in heat or something?"

"Maybe, maybe~" He giggled in childish manner. Though he do seems to be in heat. It's already more than a week since he's so horny, all day all night.

....He will get what he want for sure. I'm going to satisfy him.

I look at him, and he smiled happily at me, cheek blushing red, and innocent, playful smile, yet I know that he want for something dirty and naughty. So I smiled back at him, and steadily walk into our bedroom, getting excited on the game that we will play.

Entering the room and locking the door, it's time for a master to spoil his kitty.

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