Can't Help Falling in Love (Loki/Reader)

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For StarLightedIdiot

The annual Stark Charity Gala at the Metropolitan Art Museum was in full swing. This year all of the proceeds were going to help those affected by the New York City attack. Tony had invited all of the Avengers and your resident supervillain, Loki.

Loki went back to Asgard with Thor the day after the attack, only to return a week later. Odin had decided that the proper punishment for his adopted son's actions was to help the Avengers; sort of like service hours, only on a much higher level. Director Fury hadn't liked the idea, neither had any of the Avengers but you and Thor reassured them that if anything went wrong, the both of you would be able to handle it.

You hadn't been surprised when he came to live at the tower, you had been hearing about Odin's punishments for millennia. You had been on the receiving end of them yourself, once or twice when you had been residing in Asgard a few centuries ago.

When you were being worshiped as a god, you had been known as Athena, but that was long ago; you had fallen out of worship and favor. Most of your fellow gods stayed in Olympus or in your Uncle Hades case, the Underworld, but you didn't want to. You left Olympus to explore the mortal world and the various other godly realms. You had changed your name and your appearance many times over the thousands of years, finally settling on your current form and name in Victorian England.

Somehow, Nick Fury had gotten word of your existence. You assume it had been Prince Thor, your arrival on Asgard hadn't been a secret when it happened. It was a big deal to them, they thought all the other gods were dead. You had lived in the palace with the royal family, getting to know both of the Princes.

Fury reached out to you a few months before New York happened, inviting you to America and to work for SHIELD. You had been getting bored with regular mortal life and had been thinking about retreating back to Olympus but his sudden appearance must have been a sign from the Fates that you had more exploring to do, so you accepted his offer.

That's how you found yourself sitting at an open bar at a Stark Gala, holding a glass of champagne. You watched the crowd, picking out your fellow Avengers easily: Clint and Natasha were slow dancing together, it didn't take Aphrodite to tell that they were in love. Tony was entertaining various donators at a large table to your left, telling an animated story. Bruce and Steve were having a quiet discussion in the corner of the room, neither of them feels comfortable enough to talk to others. Thor was dragging Loki around the room, trying to show the population of New York that he was redeeming himself. You smirk at the god of mischief when he notices you watching him, causing him to scowl in displeasure.

You were millennia older them him but had a certain fondness for the man. You could almost hesitantly say it was a romantic fondness, but you would not allow yourself to think such things. That was the one thing that was still true to your days of power, you would not take up a man or a woman. Sure, you had experienced the joys of the body, but you did not allow yourself to love. You didn't know how long you would live and you didn't want to love and then lose that love.

You shake your head at the brother's shenanigans and turn back to the bar. You didn't mind socializing, in fact, you thrived in social situations, you had to, but sometimes you just liked to observe. You take a sip of the champagne, sighing as it bubbles down your throat, it was the closest thing you had found to nectar and ambrosia since you left.

The chair beside you moves and someone sits in it. They clear they're throat, obviously wanting to get your attention. You sigh, taking another sip before you look over at whoever dared to disturb your thinking. It was a man, he looked to be in his late 30s. He had curly, chocolate brown hair that was longer than Tony's, but shorter than either of the gods. He had sparkling blue eyes that reminded you of your Uncle Poseidon. He wasn't unattractive and you could see yourself leaving the gala early and going to his hotel or apartment.

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