Thunder (ThorxReader)

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Dating a Norse god had its positives and negatives. Sometimes the negatives were overwhelming, such as when Thor had to leave you for weeks at a time to attend to Asgardian politics with his father. Thor had been absent from the Avengers tower for over a month at this point. Not that you didn't love your teammates, but you missed Thor.

You had joined the Avenger about 6 months after the Battle of New York. You had been trying to keep the streets of Chicago clean after your incident. Lighting had struck your apartment building causing a power surge; you had been plugging in your computer when it happened. You woke up almost an hour later with the ability to control electricity.

You still don't know how SHIELD had gotten word of your work, but they did. Nick Fury had shown up at your apartment one day, asking if you had ever thought of increasing the scale of your operations. You had disagreed at first, you loved the life you had made for yourself in Chicago, even if none of your friends knew that after you finished grading your student's papers, you were out fighting would be rapists, robbers, and the other scum of your city.

Nick Fury showed up at your apartment a week later, this time with Thor in tow. He had figured that if you talked to Thor, someone who had similar powers to yours, you would be more convinced. You and Thor had talked for close to 2 hours when you finally agreed. That's when you realized there was more to the god of thunder than what the news showed. He was brilliant, compassionate, and funny as well as powerful and handsome.

You had fit in with the Avengers rather well. The only one you had been slightly hesitant about at the start was Natasha, but both of you became fast friends as you were the only women on the team. Tony had also become a fast friend of yours. The billionaire was his own breed, but you wouldn't have it any other way. You fought often, but the fights were always over something stupid and it was always resolved in a matter of minutes.

Thor was always coming and going, but it seemed as though whenever he was residing at the tower, he spent a majority of his time with you; be it working on your powers or just watching a movie. You appreciated the god spending so much time with you, as he was the one you first met and the one you felt closest to. But soon, it turned in to something else; you realized that you were falling for him.

Falling for one of your teammates was bad enough. But the fact that he was immortal and obviously wouldn't look at you twice, was so much worse. You tried to will the feelings away so many times, it helped that he was absent from the tower so often, but then he would come back and you would fall for him all over again.

The thing was, Thor liked you too. He knew you liked him, being alive for millennia gave you intuition about things like that. He had finally decided to do something about both his and your pining after months of you dancing around each other.

Out-of-the-blue, Thor invited you to spar with him. You weren't the best with sparing, as you didn't have any training before you had gotten your powers. You typically relied on your powers, but you had learned enough to be able to defend yourself if you couldn't use electricity. You didn't typically spar with Thor, he was much bigger and stronger than you, which increased your chance of getting injured. But, you accepted that day, wanting to spend time with the god before he had to leave for Asgard again.

Thor had pinned you against the floor at one point during the sparring, but he hadn't gotten off after you called defeat. He had stayed on top of you, straddling your legs. His pupils had dilated slightly and the next thing you knew, you were making out with the Crown Prince of Asgard.

That was one of the pluses of dating Thor. Along with being the god of thunder, you learned that he was also the god of fertility and he deserved that title just as much. But even that didn't override how you felt when he left for weeks, or even months at a time.

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