As Time Goes By (Steve/Reader)

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It seemed as though at least one of the Avengers managed to hurt themselves on every mission they went on and this time was no different. You didn't quite know the details of this mission, something about a threat being terminated in South Africa, but what you do know is that Tony Stark had gotten himself blown out of his suit, resulting in various burns and cuts on his body.

That's where you stepped in. As the Avenger's resident medic, you had to deal with all of their injuries, check-ups and medical needs at any time of day. The job was actually the best you had ever had in the medical field, not that you had many before this one; the pay was great and you got free room and board courtesy of Tony. Plus, you got to call the Earth's mightiest heroes your friends.

And you were dating Steve Rogers. You had somehow made the man fall head-over-heels in love with you. You had only been on a few dates at this point, but things were going well. You both enjoyed each other's company and he knew that you could take care of yourself. To even become a medic for the Avengers, you had to have a certain amount of training. But, Steve and you had decided to keep this fact to yourselves for now, not that you didn't want to tell the others; it was nice being the only two people in the whole world who knew what was going on. You had both almost slipped up on multiple occasions and Natasha had almost caught the two of you making out in the elevator the other day, but somehow you had managed to keep it under wraps so far

Speaking of Steve, he was currently in the medical room with you and Tony, making sure that he was going to be alright. Tony would be fine, but you had threatened, jokingly of course, that if he didn't stop moving every time you threaded the needle through his skin you would purposely screw up your stitching. That had made him laugh before he followed your instructions and tried to keep as still as possible.

Tony watches your hands as you finish closing the wound. As you reach for the scissors to cut off the excess stitching, he speaks, "You have steady hands." You look up at him and almost thank him but then he speaks again, "What else can they do?" He smirks at the shocked look on your face.

Tony had always teasingly flirted with you before, as he did with every woman that moved, but this was something different. You prepare to start reprimanding him for even thinking it was a good idea to say that, but Steve speaks before you had a chance to get a word out, "Stark! That was uncalled for."

You look over at him to see his hands had rounded into fists and his jaw was clenching. You huff in amusement, you never took him to be the jealous type, but then again, he had surprised you in many ways since you started dating.

"Relax, Cap. It's not like (Y/N) isn't used to it by now." He looks down at your stitch work and then over at your back as you dispose of your gloves and start cleaning your tools, "Besides, it makes sense. Steady hands to match that wonderful body."

You tense up, closing your eyes in annoyance but you continue your job; you had taken the Hippocratic Oath, you couldn't hurt your patients, no matter how much they deserved it. You turn around to see that Steve had stepped closer to Tony and was now towering over him threateningly, "Stark, I would recommend you stop now, for your own health. I don't think (Y/N) would like to give you any more stitches."

You turn around, drying your hands and throwing the paper towel away, "He's not wrong, you move too much." You walk over to Steve, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Relax, he doesn't mean anything by it." You scowl at the brunet before returning your attention to the Captain, "Do you have any injuries?"

"Actually," Tony pushes himself off of the table, standing next to you, "I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner after you finished; with me, alone, at a restaurant of your choice." He shoots one of his dazzling grins at you. Of course he wanted to go on a date with you and of course, he had to ask you in front of the man you were currently dating, albeit secretly.

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