Don't Fear the Reaper (Bucky/Fem!Reader)

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Sometimes you were glad that you weren't human anymore. You didn't have to worry about pesky things such as sleep or nourishment. Now was one of the times you were glad to be a reaper because it was pouring down rain as you went about your duties and if you had been human, you would have caught pneumonia, but now it was just a slight annoyance.

You paused as you collected the soul of a Mr. Seamus Hope, crossing his name off of your list. His soul left his body just as a bullet hit him from the gun of a woman with red hair. You specialized in collecting souls in battlefields. It was quick and efficient work that only the most experienced of reapers could execute. Before you had been stationed at battlefields, you had risen through the ranks from a lowly natural death reaper all the way to murder victims.

You recognized the group of people doing the infiltrating of the military base. You were usually assigned to most of their battles. You had yet to collect any of their souls, but the names of a few of them had appeared on your list only to disappear almost as soon as they were there. Death seemed to be saving them for something. You weren't ever supposed to question her and you didn't, but she had assured you that you would be the one to collect their souls.

You look away from the red-head and down to your list, "James Buchanan Barnes," you murmured to yourself. Now, why did that name sound familiar? The name disappeared a few seconds later. He must have been one of the humans attacking the base, perhaps that's why his name sounded familiar. A different name appeared and you went to find General Nikolas Kirkland.

When you entered what you assumed was the General's office, you remembered how you recognized James Buchanan Barnes. You stand in the doorway, staring at the man you had encountered more than a dozen times. Most of which had been to collect him, only for his name to disappear. He was standing over the body of Kirkland, he must have been the one to shoot him.

You walk over to the General, taking his soul out of his body and sending him towards Hell. You crossed his name off your list and waited a few seconds for another to appear, but it seemed as though you were done for the time being.

You take the time to look at James. At this point, you had mixed up all the times you had been sent to reap him, but he looked much better than all the other times. The other reason you were standing there instead of reporting back to headquarters was that you were debating whether or not to reveal yourself to the man. It's not like you hadn't done it before.

After the third or fourth time he had almost been reaped, you had moved yourself to a visible dimension and introduced yourself to him. Every time after that, you had stepped out and urged him to stop trying to die. You didn't know why you felt so drawn to this human, but you did. There wasn't a rule against fraternizing with humans.

You glance out the window; the battle seemed to be over and you would be notified when you needed to proceed to your next assignment, so you figured there was nothing wrong with revealing yourself. You close your eyes, concentrating on moving your atoms through your dimension to the visible one.

James didn't notice you for a few seconds as he was looking through the desk of the dead man. When he looks up to see you, his first reaction is to shoot you. You couldn't blame him, this was a battlefield and you were dressed in all black, albeit a dress, biker boots, and a leather jacket.

You look down at the bullet hole with distaste before looking back up at the man in question, "Now really, James. Is that the way you treat all your old friends or just me?" You were more than just friends with the man and both of you knew that. You weren't sure what the two of you were.

He set down his gun and stepped over the General's body and scooped you up in a hug. You reciprocated with a smile. He pulled his head back slightly, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You think it might have been the ninth time you had been sent to reap him when this had happened. When he had kissed you and one thing had led to another. He pulls back from the kiss with a smile, "I haven't seen you in years. I must be doing better on the whole not dying thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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